MSME in Polengan Village Participated in Digital Marketing, Branding, and Packaging Training
Technology transformation has motivated the industrial sector to improve their product and service. This improvement is applicable not only to big corporations but also to MSMEs, which must adapt to the current condition to survive in the highly competitive market. One of the transformations that can’t be avoided by business is the penetration of the internet, which has become a crucial part of daily human life.
The existence of the internet has brought a substantial effect on the business sector, encouraging corporations and MSMEs to expand their business by taking advantage of the internet, especially e-commerce. The Polengan Village’s BUMDES and MSMEs have long realized this opportunity, but many of the MSMEs in the village are yet to know and understand how to adopt digital marketing.
Considering this problem, the Creative Economy Research Group’s Community Service Program Team, led by Prof. Dr. Asri Laksmi Riani, MS., along with its members Prof. Dr. Hunik Sri Runing Sawitri, S.E., M.Si., Suryandari Istiqomah, SE, MSc., Dra. Anastasia Riani Suprapti, M.Si., and Dr. Intan Novela Qurrotul Aini, S.E., M.Si., provided a Digital Marketing, Branding, and Packaging Training.
In this training, the Community Service Team involves students in delivering training material to the MSMEs in Polengan Village. The training is divided into three sessions, starting with training in branding delivered by Brillian Raiszhul, who encourages MSMEs entrepreneurs to learn how to attract prospective customers through product photographs. The picture provided, indeed, must consider a favorable angle and color composition.
The following session was packaging training, considering that after understanding how to attract customers’ attention through a picture, the MSMEs’ entrepreneur can enhance their packaging to add value to their product. This session is delivered by Salsabilla Indah, who shows the stages of designing beautiful and enticing packaging for prospective customers.
The last session was concluded with digital marketing training, delivered by Afifah Hanindia, who invited the participants to register their MSMEs to several social media, such as Instagram and Facebook, as well as Shopee e-commerce that can allow them to distribute their product to more locations, thus increasing the income of Polengan Village residents.
After the material dissemination, the agenda goes on with monitoring and assistance for the participants.