The Undergraduate in Accounting Study Program focused on fostering an atmosphere of academic freedom supported with advanced information technology (IT). This objective is supported by the Program’s commitment to preparing Accounting graduates with decent basic information systems and information technology (IT). Our Program prepares students to have a basic SAP competency and certification. In addition, our programs also uphold ethical codes to deliver competent graduates who are ready to compete at the national and international levels. This is proved with our success in preparing graduates who excel in Public Sector Accounting, where 70% of our graduates are accepted to work in government agencies, as part of a collaboration between the Study Program with the Regional Government and Central Government.
The Study Program was accredited with ‘A’ (excellent) by the BAN-PT in 2018. Our program has an extensive network and actively participates in professional organizations and higher education networks, both nationally and internationally. To achieve this, the Undergraduate in Accounting Study Program has been listed as a member of the Association of Asia Pacific Business School (AAPBS). Our program also received international recognition, which is equal to an international class study program. Our effort to get accredited by the international rating agency European Foundation for Management Development – Program Accreditation System (EFMD-EPAS) proves our effort in providing an excellent education.


To become a high-performing and sustainable Bachelor of Accounting Study Program at the national and international levels based on the noble values ​​of the national culture


  1. Organizing education and teaching in the field of accounting to support national development by prioritizing fostering an atmosphere of academic freedom supported by information technology by upholding ethics that produce competent graduates who are ready to compete in the national and international arena.

  2. Carrying out research in the field of accounting that can be published in accredited national journals and reputable international journals, and is oriented towards educational development.

  3. Organizing quality community service activities in the field of accounting with an orientation towards empowering and strengthening the community, the business world, and government.


Compulsory Electives Core Supporting Other
1 0318101 Islamic Education 2 2
Christian Religion
Catholic Religion
Budha Religion
Hindu Religion
2 0318102 English Skills / TOEFL Preparation 3 3
3 0318103 Introduction to Accounting 3 3
4 0318104 Introduction to Micro Economics 3 3
5 0318105 Business Mathematical 3 3
6 0318106 Introduction to Business Law 3 3
7 0318107 Introduction to Business 3 3
Number credits of courses offered 20   3 12 5  
Compulsory Electives Core Supporting Other
1 0318201 Intermediate Accounting I 3 3 0318103
2 0318202 Introduction to Natural Science 2 2
3 0318203 Taxation I 3 3 0318103
4 0318204 Management 3 3
5 0318205 Introduction to Macro Economics 3 3
6 0318206 Management Information Systems 3 3
7 0318207 Accounting Information Systems 3 3 0318103
Number credits of courses offered 20   12 6 2
Compulsory Electives Core Supporting Other
1 0318301 Intermediate Accounting II 3 3 0318201
2 0318302 Introduction to Financial Management 3 3
3 0318303 Cost Accounting 3 3 0318103
4 0318304 Civic Education 2 2
5 0318305 Pancasila Education 2 2
6 0318306 Indonesian Economics 3 3 0318205
7 0318307 Public Sector Accounting 3 3 0318201
8 0318308 Indonesian Language 2 2
Number credits of courses offered 21 9 6 6
Compulsory Electives Core Supporting Other
1 0318401 Intermediate Accounting III 3 3 0318301
2 0318402 Auditing I 3 3 0318301
3 0318403 Management Accounting 3 3 0318303
4 0318404 Corporate Budgeting 3 3 0318302
5 0318405 Investment & Portfolio Theory 3 3 0318302
6 0318406 System Analysis and Design 3 3 0318207
7 0318407 Taxation II 3 3 0318203
Number credits of courses offered 21 21 0 0
Compulsory Electives Core Supporting Other
1 0318501 Advanced Accounting I 3 3 0318401
2 0318502 Management Control Systems 3 3 0318403
3 0318503 Auditing II 3 3 0318402
4 0318504 Accounting and Sustainability Reporting 3 3 0318401
5 0318505 Islamic Economics 3 3
6 0318506 Accounting For Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise 3 3 0318207, 0318401
7 0318507 Statistics for Business 3 3 0318105
Number credits of courses offered 21 15 6 0
Compulsory Electives Core Supporting Other
1 0318601 Advanced Accounting II 3 3 0318501
2 0318602 Accounting Theory 3 3 0318501
3 0318603 Accounting Research Methodology I 3 3 0318507
4 0318604 Financial Information Analysis 3 3 0318401
5 0318605 Internship 2 2 100 CREDITS
6 0318606 Social Work 2 2 100 CREDITS
7 0318607 Entrepreneurship 2 2
8 0318608 Governance and CSR 3 3 0318504
9 0318609 Tax Planning 3 3 0318407
10 0318610 Behavioral Accounting 3 3 0318403
11 0318611 Database Management Systems 3 3 0318406
12 0318612 Governmental Accounting 3 3 0318307
13 0318613 Computer Auditing 3 3 0318503
14 0318614 Internal Auditing 3 3 0318503
15 0318615 International Taxation 3 3 0318407
16 0318616 Fiqh Muamalat 3 3 0318505
17 0318617 Sustainability Management 3 3 0318504
18 0318618 Forensic Audit and Audit Investigation 3 3 0318503
19 0318619 Public Sector Budgeting 3 3 0318307
20 0318620 International Financial Management 3 3 0318302
Number credits of courses offered 18 39 12 39 6
Compulsory Electives Core Supporting Other
1 0318701 Accounting Research Review 3 3 0318603
2 0318702 Business Communication 3 3
3 0318703 Introduction to Marketing Management 3 3 0318204
4 0318705 Shariah Accounting 3 3 0318616
5 0318706 Feasibility Study of Business 3 3 0318302
6 0318707 Introduction to Strategic Management 3 3 0318302
7 0318708 Introduction to Human Resource Management 3 3 0318204
8 0318709 Public Economics 3 3 0318205
9 0318710 International Business 3 3
Number credits of courses offered 9 18 3 24 0
Compulsory Electives Core Supporting Other
1 0318801 Thesis 6 6 Pass: 0318603
Number credits of courses offered 6 0 6 0  
Total number credits of courses offered 136 57 75 99 19  
Number credits of courses must be taken 136 9 52% 35% 13%  
Number credits of courses taken to be declared graduated 145 193  



  1. Public Sector Accounting (70% of graduates are accepted to work in government agencies, in collaboration with Regional Government & Central Government Study Programs)

  2. Graduates have good basic IS & IT (mastering & certified in SAP software)


Cooperation with Danny Darussalam Tax Center (DDTC)

HMJ (Student Association) Accounting FEB UNS serves as a forum for the accounting students to express their aspirations and contribute to the strategic development of the accounting academic community. With a distinct characteristics, Accounting Study Program HMJ focusing its activities to improve academic and member professional quality.
The Organizational Work Program Directions outline the planned activities aimed at enhancing both the quality of the organization and the academic performance of its members. These efforts are designed as an effort to develop organizational and academic goals that lead to strategic policies with the main orientation of realizing the achievement of organizational goals.

Table of Graduate Profile and Description of Graduate Profile



Description of Graduate Profile


A professional who offers expertise services related to accounting in accordance with applicable standards and has obtained permission from the Minister of Finance, and has the right to practice in Indonesia to work independently. Public accountants are tasked with providing attestation services (general audit of financial statements, examination of financial statements, audits, pro forma finances, review of financial statements) and non-attestation services.
Management accountant A person who is responsible for recording every financial transaction and compiling the company’s financial statements required by stakeholders.
Government accountants (public sector) A professional accountant who works in a government agency tasked with carrying out audits of financial accountability reported by government organizational units or financial accountability addressed to the government
Educating accountants In charge of carrying out education in the field of accounting, conducting research and development in the field of accounting, and compiling curriculum at various levels of education units
Entrepreneur Someone who manages, organizes, and dares to take all risks in creating new business and business opportunities

Accreditation and Certification

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Quality Assurance in ASP

In the quality assurance process, ASP always involves internal and external stakeholders. One example of stakeholders (internal and external) involvement in quality assurance is the involvement in the preparation of the study program curriculum. It is prepared through workshops and focus group discussions by inviting Faculty Leadership, Study Program Leadership, lecturers, education staff, students, alumni, and graduate users from government and private institutions. Suggestions and inputs from these stakeholders are used to evaluate and revise the curriculum of the Study Program to suit the needs of stakeholders. An example of it is the addition of Logistics Accounting course as one of the elective courses in ASP.

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