The Master Program in Accounting is highly committed to be an institution for knowledge, research, and technology development in accounting sector & independent business, and credible at national and international level. The study program has provided numerous opportunities to the accounting practitioners in governmental organization both at regional, department, or educational, to develop their competency in public sector accounting, financial accounting, managerial accounting, and auditing.  This supported with sufficient facilties, such as laboratory, office, and periodic publication from relevant institutions such as Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and Bank Indonesia.

The Study Program has been cooperate with various parties in conducting a high quality program. Many of them also providing scholarship such as STAR-SDP scholarship (2007), Beasiswa Unggulan BKLN-DIKTI, BPPS Scholarship, Beasiswa Unggulan for high school teacher, and Beasiswa Institusi (Institution Scholarship). Moreover, our program has been developing Duoble Degree with many International University such as Curtin University in Australia.


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