Creative Economy Research Group Hosted Product Innovation Training for BUMDES and MSMEs in Polengan Village
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all sectors of our daily life, starting from health, education, and the economy, which brought challenges and alterations to various business levels. The effect of the pandemic hit the MSMEs sector hard, where its business was managed by individuals or households.
To survive, the MSMEs sector must keep on innovating to deliver premium products and services to their customers. This problem brought concern to BUMDES and MSME in Polengan Village, Srumbung Sub-District, Magelang Municipality, which attempted to initiate an innovation to process material available in their surrounding environment.
The wish of BUMDES and MSME in Polengan Village later received a response from a community service team from the Creative Economy Research Group, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNS, led by Prof. Dr. Asri Laksmi Riani, MS., in the form of a Vegetable Product Innovation Training.
This training was conducted on 20 July 2022 in collaboration with Mr. Bambang Tri Admojo, who demonstrated several dishes and cuisines using local vegetables in front of the BUMDES and MSMEs in Polengan.
The demo shows how to cook three types of dishes, namely cassava leaf chips, crispy spinach, and tiwul sponge cake.
During the training, the coach provided material and invited the participants to keeping-up with the cooking process. Participants are allowed to inquire many questions during the training.
The participants’ enthusiasm and interest during the training are shown in their efforts to keep up with the cooking process.
Besides production innovation, this community service program also encourages Polengan Village BUMDES and MSMEs to participate in marketing innovation through the internet. Therefore, the community service team provided supporting equipment to aid online sales to the village apparatus on 10 October 2022.