Improving Management Study Program Academic Activity, FEB UMS Conducted Comparative Study Visit to FEB UNS
The Management Study Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) received a Visit from the Team of Management Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS), Thursday, February 9, 2023, in Assembly Room 1 of the Soeharno TS Building.
The delegation was welcomed by the Vice-Dean of Academic Research and Academic FEB UNS, Prof. Dr. Izza Mafruhah, SE, M.Si., Head of Management Study Program, Dr. Atmaji, MM., and several Lecturers of the Re-accreditation Task Force Team of the Management Study Program, Dr. Sinto Sunaryo, S.E., M.Si., Sarwoto, S.E., M.Sc., and Miftachul Ma ‘Arif, S.E.I., M.M.
Prof. Izza Mafruhah welcomed the FEB UMS Management Study Program Team and thanked them for their visit to FEB UNS. Furthermore, three undergraduate study programs in FEB UNS, Management, Accounting, and Development Economics Study Program have been accredited ‘A’ (Excellent) by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT).
In addition, the study programs have also been accredited by the Asean University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) and the International Agency for Quality Assurance (AQAS) with conditional status. Upon this status, the three Undergraduate Study Programs have sent supporting and revised documents for several required aspects to the AQAS. Hopefully, AQAS can immediately process all amendments, thus, an accreditation certificate with unconditional status can be issued.
Meanwhile, Imronudin, S.E., M.Si, Ph.D., Vice Dean III of FEB UMS said that his visit to FEB UNS aims to improve the quality of learning at the FEB UMS Management Study Program, both for the regular and international classes. “We from the Management Study Program Team to conduct a benchmarking study to FEB UNS Management Study Program, related to the regular and international classes, international accreditation, and also international class management. Because we see UNS is one step ahead of us,” he explained.
At the beginning of the opening remarks, Dr. Atmaji said that his duty as the Head of the Management Study Program was greatly helped by the Task Force Team, both for the preparation of the re-accreditation process, Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program implementation, and international classes.
Dr. Atmaji also explained the outline of curriculum preparation in the Management Study Program FEB UNS and the implementation of teaching and learning activities. The preparation of the curriculum, was conducted in 2020, however, there are still adjustments in its implementation.
“Regarding the curriculum, the Management Study Program has implemented the MBKM curriculum. This curriculum, accommodates students who do not participate and those who take the MBKM Program, and Alhamdulillah, last semester, there were 70 undergraduate Management Study Program students who participated in MBKM activities, the most participation within UNS,” he said.
In terms of recognizing the equivalency of the 20-semester credits for students who take part in MKBM, the Management Study Program faces no difficulty. The Study Program also has a system that can monitor the daily activities of students who participated in the MBKM Program.
It is said that the curriculum that has been prepared, other than applied in the regular classes, is also used for international classes, it’s just that in international classes the learning process uses English. Meanwhile, to improve the quality of learning, the quota for each regular class was reduced from 40 students to 30 students. In addition, the curriculum accommodates students’ interests in finance, human resources, marketing, and operations.
When taking MBKM, students must previously submit proposals, which will be assessed by the task force team for their feasibility and recognition. Recognition or equivalency of the 20-semester credit resulting from the MBKM program is based on the student’s study interest in the MBKM. Students who have completed the MBKM Program, are directed to write the final project which corresponds to their study interests.
“For example, for students who take MBKM internships in finance, we will recognize 20-semester credits with courses in finance, this also applies to other interests taken by students,” he explained.
Furthermore, in the discussion session, Dr. Sinto and Sarwoto, M.Sc., added an explanation related to the international class and also the MBKM Program that has been carried out by the Management Study Program.