After 41 Years of Service, Prof. JJS Dedicates His Expertise in Macroeconomics and Development Economics
The Dean and all of the Faculty of Economics and Binis (FEB) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) academic members expressed their highest gratitude and appreciation to Prof. Dr. Julius Jhonny Sarungu, MS or commonly known as Prof. JJS, for his contributions and devotion during his service at FEB UNS. “We hope Prof. JJS to stay healthy even after retirement, continues his craft, and stay happy with his beloved family.”
The statement was delivered by the Dean of FEB UNS, Prof. Drs. Djoko Suhardjanto., M.Com. (Hons), Ph.D. Ak. at the hybrid “Webinar of Scientific Oration Award for Professor Retirement.” The on-site event was held in FEB UNS Assembly Room IV, while the online event is available through Zoom Cloud Meeting, Wednesday, September 29, 2021.
Prof. Djoko said that, since being appointed as a Civil Servant in 1980, Prof. JJS, has done extraordinary service for UNS for the last 41 years.
“The special characteristic of him who was born in Makale, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, July 11, 1959, is his black jacket, and always having a cup coffee or warm tea with him during lecture. Prof. JJS is a disciplined, friendly, and patient lecturer. According to his students, this professor in black jackets always appreciates the opinions of students in teaching. His speech and improvisation while teaching help students to understand the teaching material easily. When supervising students’ final assignment, he patiently explains the theory and the flow of writing,” he explained.
Prof. JJS is graduated from Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga in the field of economic studies in 1977. He earned his Master’s Degree at the University of Indonesia in Population and Employment studies in 1991. He completed his Doctoral study in 2001, and receiving his Ph.D. in Economics studies from Universitas Airlangga Surabaya.
As one of the founding fathers of the Faculty of Economics, especially in the Development Economics Study Program, Prof. JJS has served as Secretary of the Department of Development Economics, Vice Director of Academic Affairs for the Master Program in Management, and Secretary II of the Doctoral Program in Economic Studies, UNS Postgraduate School.
Prof. JJS is an inspiring person to his juniors. He has made numerous contributions to the development of science, dozens of textbooks and articles published in reputable international journals, accredited National Journals, and proceedings. His work demonstrates expertise in macroeconomics and development economics. He is also active in scientific organizations, including the Indonesian Bachelor of Economics Association and the Member of The Australian Development Studies Network (ANU), Australia. (Humas FEB).