11 Jul 2019

UNS is Assessed by AUN-QA for the Second Time

The assessor team of the ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) appreciate the Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), especially for the assessed study programs on June 24th to 26th 2019. This was mentioned by the Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, MS, after the closing meeting on Wednesday, June 26th, 2019 in Dr. Prakosa Building UNS.

The 150th AUN-QA Assessment at Program Level is the second assessment at program level by the AUN-QA for the study programs in UNS, after the first assessment conducted in 2018 for 4 (four) study programs namely, the Study Program of Bachelor in Management, Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor in Civil Engineering, and Bachelor in Biology. All the study programs are successfully accredited and certified by the AUN-QA.

From the assessment result, Prof. Yunus is optimistic that UNS will obtain the certification for the four study programs being assessed this year. “This is the second opportunities for UNS to obtain an acknowledgement from an international accreditation organization at ASEAN level, thus UNS will be on the same level with other advanced study programs in ASEAN,” he explained. Further, he mentions that the assessor team found several areas of improvements for each study program. However, in general the assessment shows a positive result.

Prof. Yunus congratulate the four study programs assessed on this opportunity, they are the Study Program of Bachelor in Development Economic, Bachelor in Special Education, Bachelor in Law, and Bachelor in Agribusiness, for conducting a series of activities in the 150th AUN-QA Program Assessment. He also expresses his gratitude to the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) for organizing the site visit and coordinating the whole assessment process.

The assessment process took 3 (three) days to be completed. On the first day, Monday June, 24th 2019, the assessor team is welcomed by the Rector of UNS, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum, together with the Rectorate Officials, the Deanery of the assessed programs, and the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) Team from 4 (four) study programs, followed with Gambyong dance. This was followed with an Opening meeting. After the Opening Meeting the assessors follow an University site visit to several facilities such as Central Library, International Office, Taiwan Centre, UNS Museum, Medical Centre, Pusbangnis UNS, UNS Hospital, and UNS Medical Centre.

The next assessment process after the University level site visit is centralized in FEB UNS and is conducted separately for each study program. Each study program is assessed by two assessors. Johnson Ong Chee Bin and Prof. Dr, Aleth Therese L. Dacanay serve as the assessor for the Bachelor in Development Economic; Prof. Dr. Suzeini Binti Abd Halim and Mrs. Siriluck Kiewkong as the assessor for Bachelor in Law; Assoc. Prof. Dr Kamulwan Lueprasert and Prof. Dr. Irfan Naufal Umar as the assessor for the Bachelor in Special Education; and lastly Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amalina M. Afifi and Asst. Prof. Dr. Thasaneeya Ratanaroutai Nopparatjamjomras as the assessor for the Bachelor in Agribusiness. The assessment process is accompanied by the Secretary of AUN-QA, Mr. Korn Ratagosoom.

The assessors conduct several interviews with the Deanery, SAR Team, Academic staff, Support staff both at Faculty and University level, students, alumni, and user. All the interviews were conducted in consecutive manner. In between the interviews process, the assessors also conduct a Faculty level site visit. In FEB UNS there are some facilities visited by the assessors such as Students Activity Unit Room, Internship and Career Development Center, Computer Laboratory, Banking Simulation Laboratory, Export and Import Laboratory, Investment Gallery Room, and Teacher’s Transit Room.

The Chief Assessor Johnson Ong Chee Bin expressed that he impressed with how the Assessment in UNS is being organized. “Since the time we arrived at the airport and the time we arrived at the assessment site today we are greeted with a very well organizing activities such as dancing, the assessment process, the document, the organization of the logistics were very well organized and efficient,” he said to the Public Relation team.

Further he added that the campus is very green, and he finds it lovely that the campus has many trees and flowers. During the university site visit he saw some uniqueness of the campus such as of the inclusion of different religious buildings for example the mosque, the temple, the church.