FEB UNS Held a Deanery Official Position Hand-Over
After the inauguration of the new Dean in the University Auditorium on Friday, May 5th, 2019, FEB UNS conduct an Official Position Hand-Over from the previous Dean to the new elected Dean. This ceremony was held in FEB UNS 1st Assembly Room.
The ceremony, attended by all of FEB UNS Division Head, begins with the recitation of the Position Hand-over manuscript, manuscript ratification, and followed with the submission of FEB UNS Dean final position memorandum report.
Dr. Hunik Sri Runing Sawitri, the Dean for the Period of 2015-2019, is grateful that the election of the new Dean has been conducted smoothly and finally electing Prof. Drs. Djoko Suhardjanto, M.Com.(Hons)., PhD., Ak as the Dean for the period of 2019-2023.
During the ceremony, Dr. Hunik express a gratitude to all the Head of Department and Unit in FEB UNS, who has served the Faculty for the last 4 (four) years. Dr. Hunik also commend to the elected Dean the continuation and completion of few program such as the establishment of Islamic Economy Study Program, establishment of Financial Technology Program, Optimization of KPPMF with a synergy with Internationalization Team, and Promotion System Automation.
“Shortly, FEB should prepare to be the host for AUN-QA site visit that organized for 4 (four) study programs in UNS namely Economic Development, Law, Agribusiness, and Special Education, which will be held by the end of June. Shortly after, there will be a National re-accreditation for Economic Development Program and for the Postgraduate programs,” she explains.
Prof. Djoko Suhardjanto, in his remarks, give an analogy that FEB UNS is a “Great House” where its occupant should support each other, thus accelerating the achievement of its vision and missions.