Two FEB Students On The UNS Pilmapres 2021
Shoffan Mujahid, a student from the Development Economics Study Program, Faculty of Business (EP FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) is succeeded in being the Winner in FEB UNS Outstanding Student Selection. The Grand Final stage was conducted virtually on Monday, May 10th, 2021. Meanwhile, Dian Cita Putri, a student from Management Study Program FEB UNS, is determined as the second-place champion. Following this achievement, both Shoffan and Dian will compete as the representative of FEB UNS in the UNS 2021 Outstanding Student Selection (Pilmapres).
The grand final stage invites four judges to assess students’ competency. The judges are Retno Tanding Suryandari, Ph.D., Dr. Arum Kusumaningdyah Adiati, Ariyanto Adhi Nugroho, M.Ec. Dev., and Arif Darmawan, M.A. Regarding the outcome, Dr. Retno, as the Chair of the Board of Judges, states that in general, the top five articles submitted to the Judges have unique ideas. The articles are mostly using the application or platform approach as the model of their article development. However, this uniqueness must be supported with an extensive literature review. “Your topic needs more detailed explanation and development to be an interesting scientific article. In terms of presentation, it was excellent, your PowerPoint slides are designed well, and your foreign language proficiency should be improved,” she explains.
Concluding the event, the FEB UNS Vice-Dean for Academic, Research, and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Izza Mafruhah, SE, M.Si., appreciate the articles submitted and the presentation delivered by the top five participants. “Congratulations to Shoffan and Dian, who are selected as the representative of FEB UNS in the UNS Pilmapres. Pay attention to the judges’ suggestions to improve your article and presentation. For the three students in the top five, do not be discouraged. Use this experience to encourage yourself to learn more and get more involved in other students’ activities either inside the UNS campus and in the other campuses,” Dr. Izza suggested.
Right after Shoffan and Dian, the three other students, who also passed to the top five, get a score that is not far from the two winners. They are Raka Muhammad Iqbal from Accounting Study Program, Namira Fairuz Wibowo from Management Study Program, and Umu Ni’matun Nada Al Muhib from Management Study Program. The five students receive coaching prizes to encourage students to be more active in participating in the next competitions. (Humas FEB)