P4M FEB UNS Disseminate New Regulations for Research Group
The Center of Research and Community Service Development (P4M), in the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FEB UNS) organize a dissemination and management of Research Group (RG), on Tuesday, December 17, 2019. The Head of P4M FEB UNS, Dr. Doddy Setiawan presented the new regulation regarding the management of RG to the Head of Study Programs and the Chairman and Secretary of the RG.
Different from the previous regulation, the new provision limits the number of RG members by minimum 5 members and maximum 10 members including the Chairman and Secretary of the RG. Additionally, the RG should refer to the Study Program of the Chairman of the RG. Moreover, a lecturer can become a member of two different RG from two different Study Program. This aims to encourage collaboration across scientific disciplines.
“The main RG membership would be the lecturers’ home base study program and the second membership should be in other study program or faculties in UNS or a study center,” Dr. Doddy said.
Another matter that should be considered is the requirements for choosing the Chairman of a RG, which the new provision regulate several stages. The Chairman can be a Professor who earned a competitive research or community service program at national or international level, or has a P index minimum of 2 or Scopus index of higher than/equal to 2 (for natural science) or higher than/equal to 1 for social science and law study. The Chairman can also a chosen from the faculty member with PhD degree with 2 requirements: has published research article in international journal/registered invention and has won/earned a research grant in competitive research or community service program at national or international level, or has a P index and Scopus index requirement similar to a Professor candidate.
Further, the Chairman can also be chosen from the members with Master degree with Associate Professor qualification, by fulfilling all the 3 requirements provided for both candidate with Professor and Doctor degree. At the end of his presentation, the Head of P4M provide a period for submission by the latest Monday, December 23, 2019.