Hospitality, the Main Key of Lecture Exchange
The main key of the internationalization program in university, specifically lecture exchange, is the networking with international universities. During a lecturer study (Doctoral or Master) they have this opportunity to do a presentation in abroad institutions, establish a networking and communication, collaboration, and having a discussion with well-known professor that will helps the lecturers’ institution development. This was expressed by Prof. Dr. Raditya Sukmana, the Head of Sharia Economy Department from Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), during an Interactive Discussion on Lecture Exchange: Lecturers’ Achievement vs Institution Needs, on Monday, December 16, 2019, in the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FEB UNS).
Prof. Raditya mentions that, “in our institution, there is an application for the Lecturer to do international travel, there should be a value-added from the activity. For instances following an international conference that collaborates with scopus or non-scopus journal, or following other collaboration activities, all of these should have achieve more than 6 point. If the point is lower, then the faculty member will not allowed to do the travel.” In term of Lecture Exchange, he mentions that UNAIR implemented a short-term program with less than 3 months (visiting lectures) period and long-term period for adjunct professor (more than 3 months), this applies both for inbound and outbound program.
“For Inbound Adjunct Professor, even though it is expensive, it will provide great advantage. For a quite long period, beside delivering course for undergraduate, master, and doctoral program, they can assist students or lecturers research. They can also help in establishing the curriculum and other programs. The Lecture exchange can be included in teaching team and other assignments,” he explains.
In line with Prof. Raditya, the second speaker, Dr. Yunieta Anny Nainggolan who is the Head of Master and Doctor of Science in Management Program, Institut Teknolgi Bandung (ITB), mentions that Lecture Exchange is an effort for lecturers to gain international exposure. “This is important to improve our competency in Tri Dharma of Higher Education, in teaching, research, and community service,” she said.
In internationalization, the key is to establish a network with national and international universities. “The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) will be useless if the faculty members do not have a passion to establish an international collaboration.”
This discussion was attended by the faculty members and postgraduate students and is part of a series of event organized by the International Office (IO) of FEB UNS. Dr. Izza Mafruhah, M.Si., the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, the FEB UNS, in her opening remarks said that Lecture Exchange is one of some indicators that is important in achieving the World Class University.
Previously, the IO of FEB UNS had organized several activities such as International Class Initiative and Student Exchange. These activities are organized continuously. In 2020 the IO of FEB UNS will hold a special training for Junior lecturers to prepare for the lecture exchange.