23 Nov 2023

PDIE Workshop Presents Prof. Noor Ismawati from the University of Malaya

The Doctoral Program in Economics (PDIE), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), presented Prof. Sr. Noor Ismawati Binti Jaafar from Universiti Malaya at the Research Methodology Workshop, Tuesday, November 14, 2023. The virtual workshops were mostly attended by PDIE students.

Opening the session, Prof. Noor said that in Research in Organizations, there are several challenges and skills that a researcher needs to minimize the possibility of failure in an IT implementation project.

The main purpose of this workshop is to introduce the best approach to explore IT governance in an organization, thus, breaking negative stereotypes about IT developments in the recent era.

“IT governance is actually a combination of numerous aspects. Therefore, this involves people from the IT department. It involves people from the accounting department. It also involves people from the strategy section. Hence, we can see how complex the problems related to IT management in the organization are,” explained Prof. Noor in her explanation related to the definition of IT.

Furthermore, she said that there are several things that need to be considered, especially about performance management. We can verify the strategic suitability, review our IT performance measurement, and IT centralization of the business. “So, I will briefly discuss the importance of IT governance. IT governance actually helps organizations comply with any regulations. IT governance also helps organizations to be competitive and also supports the company’s goals, whatever the goals the organization has,” she explained.

By having proper IT governance, the organization can ensure that the company/organization can achieve its goals. IT governance can be a supporting factor to encourage the growth and innovation of a company/organization.

After the presentation of the material, the speakers conducted a discussion session with the participants, and through this workshop, the participants gained experience and assistance in IT governance.