More than 250 Students Filled the FEB Hall at the Wealth XPO on Campus
CIMB Niaga Bank in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) hosted Wealth XPO on Campus, Wednesday, November 15, 2023, at Suhardi Hall. More than 250 students filled the hall to get insights from four invited speakers, including Yose Stefanus, Mutual Fund, Digital Wealth & Research Head of CIMB Niaga; Putu Damarathi, Head of Intermediary Sales of Trimegah Asset Management; Yudha Keling, Content Creator, and Masagus Tirza, Wealth Management Business Head of CIMB Niaga.
Prof. Irwan Trinugroho, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice-Rector for Planning, Partnership, Business, and Information Affairs UNS in his remarks thanked CIMB Niaga for coming to the UNS campus to host the Wealth XPO on Campus.
This activity according to Prof. Irwan is interesting and useful as FEB students can learn many things from the material delivered by the speakers, explanation on frugal living, the importance of financial planning both for individuals and families, and also how to choose investment instruments.
Prof. Irwan said that what is important is financial literacy, increasing public understanding of financial products and services, and then financial inclusion, increasing public access to the financial services sector. “Not inclusion, but literacy first, because if we focused on inclusion first and then followed by literacy, there will be many victims. Nowadays digital products cause people to be inclusive first, whether they understand the effect or not, it is a matter that they will think about latter. This will bring up social problems,” he said.
In terms of investing, Prof. Irwan reminded students to understand three things, understand the theory, understand the real practice, and also have analytical skills. Students should be more able to see whether the investment makes sense or not. Don’t be tempted by investments that offer bombastic returns.
And very importantly, students must be able to understand themselves, whether they are risk-averse or risk-loving. If you are a person who avoids risk, does not like risk, do not play around with instruments that are too risky. “The most important thing to become an investor is to first understand his characteristics, what kind of person I am, that is his capital. Then determine the specifications, and what do I want to do. And only after that, you can start choosing an instrument,” he said.
Andiko Manik, Head of Region West on Central Java at the beginning of her speech agreed with Prof. Irwan statement related to the importance of prioritizing financial literacy and inclusion.
The Wealth XPO on Campus indeed has a purpose to help students, especially regarding financial literacy problems, where literacy should come first, then later participation, this is the final outcome targeted in this event. Furthermore, students are part of the young generation with great potential and in the future, will become candidates for national leaders, and of course, as a productive young generation they will be able to play an active role in the progress of Indonesia.
In this one day of activities, hopefully, with financial insight, students can also plan their finances better in the future, and start investing better in the future. He believes this activity will greatly help students to continue to pursue dreams and aspirations in the future and good financial planning that will help them to be more empowered. Aside from the extensive financial literacy material related to frugal living, the importance of financial planning and how to choose investment instruments, the event also filled with numerous attractive prizes.