Student Executive Board FEB UNS (BEM FEB) Invites the Deanery for Discussion
Carrying the theme “Synergy to Deliver Aspiration” the Research and Data Unit of the Student Executive Board (BEM), the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FEB UNS), organizes a Faculty Hearings. This agenda was conducted on Thursday, December 19, 2019, in 2nd Assembly Room of FEB UNS. The event was attended by the Deanery of FEB UNS, Head of Administration Affairs, Head of Units in FEB, and FEB UNS Student Association members. This hearing aims to deliver the students’ aspiration to the Head of Faculty.
Prior to the hearing, the BEM FEB UNS has conducted a survey on the satisfaction of the service that covers academic, infrastructure, student affairs, and finance. The survey was conducted on November 21st to December 10th, 2019 using online questionnaire with total respondent of 231 FEB UNS students from all class and study programs using stratified random sampling.
The main concerns of the survey covers the academic service, which includes lecturers’ performance, examination, infrastructure, which includes indoor and outdoor area as well as general facilities, student affairs, which includes student service, Tuition fee exemption, scholarship, student association, and competition policy, while finance aspect covers students’ activity fund disbursement and clarity on Standard Operation and Procedure (SOP). It is expected that this survey can serves as the basis of student perception data and used as consideration or even guidelines in improving service quality in FEB UNS. Based on the survey result, the BEM FEB UNS present the areas of improvement for the four aspects and the proposed suggestions.
Dr. Izza Mafruhah, SE, M.Si, the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs FEB UNS, appreciate the initiative taken by the BEM FEB UNS during her opening remarks. The hearing is expected to be the means to improve lecturers’ performance, faculty staff, and the Deanery in managing the Faculty. “There are many stakeholders that monitor our performance. The Rectorate of UNS also assess our Faculty, especially in term of students’ achievements. There are some achievements that need to be optimized such as in Student Creativity Program (PKM), this will be our responsibility,” she said.
Further, for the next year, the Deanery will be more focused in improving students’ achievements, not only in PKM but also through internationalization program. Moreover, for the next year budget, the Deanery has allocated funding for student outbound program, which available through competitive selection. The faculty will send the students for attending summer program, which usually take two or three weeks, which enable the students to understand the culture of the countries. Another program prepared is a competition in start-up business for students that aims to support students’ entrepreneurship.
“If student have a creative idea it can be used to support their achievement and our faculty has establish a collaboration with a sponsor to support this program,” Dr. Izza said.
Meanwhile, the survey result shows a favorable result with all suggestion on the Lecturers’ performances is presented during the hearing. This presentation is followed with a discussion where the participants asking several questions and providing suggestion in thesis supervisory system, structured exam, control on the lecturers’ quality, clarity on the information of scholarship, ease of access to use Faculty facility, clarity on finance, and improvement for sport infrastructure. One of the interesting suggestions from the students are the need to establish an organization as a means to transfer the knowledge from those who have rich experience both at national and international level to those who has no such experiences. This organization can also be the place for intensive coaching.
Dr. Djuminah, the Vice Dean of General and Finance Affairs, Dr. Mugi Harsono, the Vice Dean of Student Affairs, and other Faculty staff provide necessary feedback to the students’ inquiries and suggestions. For further meeting between Faculty staff and the students a following hearing or discussion will be organized within a non-formal occasion.