FEB UNS Establish a Collaboration with FEB UNRAM
The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FEB UNS) establish a collaboration with the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Mataram (FEB UNRAM). This collaboration was marked with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Thursday, December 26th, 2019, in UNS Inn Solo. The MoU was signed by the FEB UNS Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Izza Mafruhah, who was representing the Dean of FEB UNS, and the Dean of FEB UNRAM, Dr. Musaidy Yasin, MS, witnessed by the staff of both institutions.
The collaboration between FEB UNS and FEB UNRAM will covers various activities in the coaching of education and teaching (visiting professor and speaker), research coaching (assistance and research workshops and joint research), and publication of joint research article in international journals. Following the introduction of FEB UNS faculty members and the presentation of FEB UNS profile, Dr. Izza, in her opening remarks mentioned that this collaboration aims to accelerate the improvement of education quality, research, and publication of joint research articles in international journal, especially to improve Faculty’s member competency to be able to compete at national and international level.
In term of postgraduate education, the Doctoral Program in Economics of FEB UNS (PDIE) is welcoming the FEB UNRAM Faculty members who wish to take further study. A collaboration in research, community service is also possible. Further, Dr. Izza mentions that education as the main focus of a university is expected to deliver a high-quality education, which proved through accreditation, this cannot be separated from budgeting in an institution.
“With a healthy budgeting, the education quality in a university will be improved,” she explains.
After the MoU signing, a technical assistance was conducted with two speakers from FEB UNS, Drs. Santoso Tri Hananto, M.Acc.,Ak., who discuss about budgeting planning, and Dr. Djuminah, M.Si., Ak., presenting a material on budgeting. This technical assistance was attended by 20 Faculty staff of FEB UNRAM. Another session of this technical assistance will be conducted on December 27, 2019 with the main speaker Prof. Tulus Haryono, discussing about Accreditation with 9 Criteria.