FEB UNS Obtain the Erasmus Capacity Building Grant from the European Commission
The Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Sebelas Maret (FEB UNS) collaborate with 4 (four) European universities and 5 (five) national universities in Indonesia, is selected to receive the grants from the European Commission for the Capacity Building Erasmus+ with a theme of “OPTtimizing Research and Doctoral Program in BANKing and Finance in Indonesian universities” (OPTBANK).
The grants valued for 999,904 € for three years period, starts from October 2017 to September 2020. The coordinator for European universities is the University of Limoges in France, while UNS is will act as the coordinator for Indonesian universities consortium. The Indonesian universities involved in this consortium are Institut Teknology Bandung (ITB), Universitas Syiah Kuala (Aceh), Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah (Jakarta), Universitas Tanjungpura (Pontianak), and Universitas Sriwijaya (Palembang). For the European universities, there are 3 (three) universities Bangor University (UK), University of Rome III (Italy), and Technical University Crete (Greece).
The main objective of this project is to strengthen and improve the research activities in Banking and Finance field in Indonesian universities. Specifically, this program aims to increase the international exposure of the junior academic members in Indonesia through research training and collaboration with European universities partner, revitalize the doctoral and program in banking by introducing new modules, which prepared and adapted from local needs.
Moreover, OPTBANK also strengthen the governance for research center and doctoral program through ‘good practices’ exchange among the partner universities in Indonesia and Europe, as well as increasing the interaction among the Indonesian universities, the regulator of banking and finance sector, financial and banking industry, and community.
The Dean of FEB UNS, Hunik Sri Runing Sawitri, explains that the Proposal for Capacity Building OPTBANK is prepared by FEB UNS in collaboration with the LAPE University of Limoges since May 2016. The proposal is submitted to the European Commission by February 2017. In August 2017, the OPTBANK is selected among 149 proposals funded by the European Commission out from 756 proposals submitted for Higher Education-International Capacity Building.
In 15th, September 2017, a Pre-Kickoff Meeting was conducted in FEB UNS regarding the implementation of the Indonesian partner universities consortium, with objective to equate the perception among the partners and to reinforce the commitment, as well as preparing for the Kick-off meeting that will be held in January 2018 in Limoges, France.
The achievement of FEB UNS and partner universities shows that UNS reputation is recognized Nationally and Internationally.