Academic Discussion Forum: Highlight on the Latest Development in Indonesia
Approximately 200 participants from academics field and practitioners on Wednesday, March 27th 2019. The event with a theme “Current Development in Indonesian Economics and Future Challenges” is a collaboration between FEB UNS and the Bank Indonesia.
There are three speakers invited in this event, they are Sahmian from Department of Economic and Monetary Policy, Hermanto Siregar (the Rector of Perbanas), and Lana Soelistianingsih (economics observer).
Dwi Mukti Wibowo, the Deputy Director of the Communication Department of Bank Indonesia, in his opening remarks states that, the current economics condition is not only affected by the economics issues, but also various factors. Security and orderliness have a huge impact on the economic development in Indonesia.
Further, Mukti says that “Hence, we need to build a synergy among the Government institution, Bareskrim POLRI (Police Criminal Investigation Agency), Coordinating Ministry for Politics, Law, and Security of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenko Polhukam), Republic of Indonesia Intelligence Agency, Lazis (amil, zakat, infaq, and shodaqoh institutions), and academicians. This also followed by synergy with the media to provide positive information to build national reputation.”
Addressing the development of Indonesia economy, Hermanto Siregar, the Rector of Perbanas mention that in the middle of global economy slow-down, Indonesia’s economic growth face a gradual increase. With the Natural Resource and Indonesia market size, regional economy has a role to accelerate national economic growth.
“We need great investment especially foreign investment, to achieve the potential. Therefore, the competitiveness of our economy should be improved through the improvement in infrastructure, human resource quality and labor market, as well as lowering corruption level and governance,” he explains.
In line with this, Lana states that the economic policy that should be examined is regarding on how the global economy will not confined by two economics power in the US and China.
“From the domestic side, the condition is relatively secure, we need to encourage the domestic expenditure level, this will become one of the stimuli to improve the economy condition,” Lana says.
On the other side, the government has prepared a social safety measures, for instance significant social assistance, which aims to escalate the economic condition of those in lower-class economy, village funds, and independencies on the subsidize of engine fuel funds. (Tetri/Humas FEB)