Development Economics Study Program Community Service Team Provides Assistance for Fish Farmers in Trenceng Village
Education, Research, and Community Service are obligatory assignments for a lecturer under the Tri Dharma of Higher Education Institutions. To fulfill the requirement of their duties, lecturers conducted community service activities to show their concern and contribution to community development.
The Development Economics Study Program Community Service team, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, organized community assistance for fish farmers in Trenceng Village, Sumbergempol Sub-District, Tulungagung Regency. The program, which aims to assist the development of community skills in producing fish pellets independently, effectively, and efficiently, was implemented well in 2022.
The successful program was led by Bhimo Rizky Samudro, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D., who currently serves as the Head of the Development Economics Study Program FEB UNS. “Fish farmers in Trenceng village need to produce fish pellets independently to maximize its outcome,” he revealed.
According to him, the problem faced by fish farmers was the ineffective and inefficient usage of fish pellets available in the market, which affected the optimization of fish farming products in Trenceng village. Considering this problem, the community service team needs to provide intensive assistance for the farmers.
Khoirul Basor, the Head of the Youth Organization in Trenceng village, expressed his gratitude to the community service team for helping fish farmers produce fish pellets independently. This assistance, hopefully, can improve fish farming outcomes in Trenceng village to be more effective and efficient.