Establishing Positive Collaboration, FEB UNS Hosted Support Staff Year-End Meeting
The end year meeting of the FEB UNS is attended by the Deanery of FEB UNS and all of the Faculty support staff. The meeting, which was conducted modestly, is organized on December 27, 2019, in FEB UNS 2nd Meeting Room. This aims to establish a positive synergy among the Deanery and FEB UNS support staff.
The Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Mugi Harsono, starting the meeting with an introspection toward oneself mistake, both in action and thought in the daily life. In general, he mentions that all people should introspect their worship to the Allah, as all a person did should goes along with God regulation. Meanwhile, in social interaction he reminds the support staff about the good moral to fellow human beings. Dr. Mugi also provides example on how to introspect someone life, such as finding comparison to someone better or reviewing one’s weakness, and understand that God always keep an eye on our life.
Meanwhile, the Vice Dean of General and Finance Affairs, Dr. Djuminah, wishes that FEB UNS will be a ecosystem that provide usefulness and convenience for all stakeholders both internal and external parties. She also mentions that all Faculty member should have a sense of belonging in their workplace, which leads to responsibility and better performance. Further, she informs that in 2020 the structural official of echelon 3 and 4 will be abolished. Therefore, all the Head of Unit in UNS will retain their position but their rank will changed into functional position.
Moreover, in the beginning of 2020 there will be a rearrangement of support staff to refresh the staff performance. This mean several FEB UNS support staff will be transferred to other Faculty or to another unit within the FEB UNS. This, however, is a normal transfer.
At the end of meeting, Dr. Izza Mafruhah, mentioned to the support staff that in conducting their job in FEB UNS all Faculty members are establishing a collaboration, not working together. Where in collaboration there is an interrelated bond. A job conducted by academic unit can be forwarded by student service and/or other units. Therefore, all organization unit is important and no unit is more prominent than other. In an interconnected bond, if one part is loose then all other part will likely to crumble.