Visitation from SMA IT Asy-Syukriyyah Tangerang: Faculty of Economics and Business, UNS Prepares its Graduate to Compete
The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) has 13 study programs, starts from Diploma program until the Doctoral program that has accredited with “A” standard. FEB UNS always strive to compete in the international arena. Currently the Master in Management Study Program has been accredited by ABEST21 that based in Tokyo, Japan, while the Undergradate in Management Study Program has been accredited by the AUN-QA. FEB UNS also has become the member of AACSB. These are delivered by the Associate Dean of General Affairs, Harmadi, during his welcoming remarks for the visitation from SMA IT Asy-Syukriyyah Tangerang on Monday, March 18th, 2019 in Ruang Sidang 2, FEB UNS.
The group consist of 9th grade students or last year of high school students and several teachers are welcomed by the Associate Dean of General Affairs of FEB UNS, the Head of the Undergraduate in Management Study Program, Reza Rahardian, and Yaman Umaran a member of Universitas Sebelas Maret admission office.
Mairatu Sisriyeni, the Principal of SMA IT Asy-Syukriyyah deliver a speech and express that the main objective of the visit is to prepare the students with information and insights from UNS to enter the higher education level. The students’ enthusiasm can be seen from the questions given to UNS such as the admission process, internship program, collaboration, teaching and learning activities, further study opportunity, and how far the faculty provide an education and support for the graduates to be able to compete other graduates from other universities in entering the job market.
“Our faculty does not offer a commitment to work for the government after graduation, but we facilitate the students to be ready for job. Our institution is accredited with “A” standard, this become initial provision for the graduates to enter the job market,” answer Reza for the question about guarantee of getting a job.
Furthermore, the faculty, especially the undergraduate program in management, has prepare the student with various knowledge and experience, one of them is the Managerial Simulation Practice course. In this course, the students are not faced with the theoretical aspect but they are required to participate in a real work setting condition. The students will be assigned a special task or position in a virtual company and they are required to carry out the task according to their role in the company. They also given the authority to take decision while practicing various role in company managerial activity such as human resource, finance, marketing, and operation management. The Managerial Simulation Practice will polish students’ hard skill and soft skill through the work practice simulation to finish the business assignment. The learning model applied in this course is problem based learning.
“We facilitate, but the student should have their effort to improve their competency, thus they have an expediency,” he adds.
The event is closed by exchanging souvenirs followed with a group photo. (Tetri – Humas FEB)