To be an Entrepreneur in Creative Economics Era
The main differences between employee and entrepreneur is in term of time. For instance, employee will have to work for around 8-12 hours a day, their job is limited by time and has no rights to delegate task. Meanwhile, an entrepreneur can control their money and time. An employee earns a fixed payroll, if they do not work, they will not earn any salary, with a constraint on age. On the other hand, an entrepreneur can get greater earnings from their business with no age constraint. This matter is expressed by Endang Kurniawan, the alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNS, who shared about their success story on the event of Entrepreneur & Charity with Alumni “to be an Entrepreneur in Creative Economics Era”, in Saturday October 12th, 2019.
In the front of a hundred of students who are member of the Entrepreneurial Community of FEB UNS, Endang encourage the students to be a tough entrepreneur and does not have a “block” mentality. He mentions that “block” mentality refers to restraints on one’s memory or thoughts. Having a “bad” feeling or misgiving that prevent someone to take an action. For examples having a presumption such as “what if it is rejected”, “what if they are busy”, “what if they think my product/goods is bad”, etc. Entrepreneur should focus on the advantages they have and should be able to differentiate between business and social. Should not mixed-up both aspects, thus management can be conducted orderly.
The important point is an entrepreneur should build a customer base to gain insight on their customer, tracking individual behaviour, establish a basic individual and organizational competency, high-skilled and multi-skilled employee, as well as establish a new scheme from Customer to Customer relationship such as in cooperation and joint competence.