Three UNS Lecturers Provide Assistance to 170 Participants in Managing and Reporting BLUD Finances for UPTD Puskesmas in Wonogiri Regency
A Community Engagement Program Team from Universitas Sebelas Maret (PKM-UNS), led by Prof. Dr. E. Muhtar, S.Pd., M.Si., CFrA., alongside Sutaryo, SE., M.Si., Ph.D., Ak., CA., CRA., CRP., and Dr. Jaka Winarna, M.Si., Ak., conducted a PKM-UNS Assistance program entitled “Managing and Reporting Financial Affairs of Public Service Agencies for Community Health Centers in Wonogiri Regency.”
This program was held at the Griya Persada Hotel in Kaliurang on Monday (May 6, 2024), with 170 participants representing 34 community health centers (Puskesmas) in the Wonogiri Regency area, and was attended by the Head of the Wonogiri Regency Health Office.
In his opening remarks, Sutaryo emphasized the importance of managing and reporting the financial affairs of Public Service Agencies (BLUD) at the community health centers (Puskesmas).
“Considering that the BLUD scheme provides flexibility for UPTD Puskesmas to manage their finances independently, the Technical Implementation Units (UPTD) is expected to improve the public services and promote a positive effect on the Regional Budget (APBD), by managing the Community health centers (Puskesmas) funding in the Wonogiri Regency area using the BLUD scheme,” said Sutaryo.
Dr. Setyarini, M.Kes., Head of the Wonogiri Regency Health Office, also noted that implementing the BLUD financial management scheme in UPTD Puskesmas could enhance the services provided by regional government institutions to the public, aiming to improve general welfare and intellectual life.
Therefore, to implement the BLUD financial management scheme, expert assistance in managing and reporting BLUD financial management is necessary.