08 Mar 2024

SMA Assalam Sukoharjo Visits FEB UNS, Get to Know the Undergraduate Study Program in FEB

Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) welcomed a visit from SMA Assalam Sukoharjo at Konimex Hall, Bachtiar Effendi Building, Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

The teachers and students were welcomed by the Vice Dean of Planning, Partnership, Business, and Information, Tastaftiyan Risfandy, Ph.D.; the Head of the Development Economics Study Program, Bhimo Rizky Samudro, Ph.D., and lecturers representing the Accounting and Digital Business Study Program, Isna Putri Rahmawati, M.Sc., and Aldy Fariz Achsanta, Ph.D.

Tastaftiyan, Ph.D. in his remarks welcomed and thanked the teachers and students of Assalam Sukoharjo High School who have visited and collaborated with FEB UNS.

“Thank you for visiting, we are very open to sharing and working together because the campus is now required to not be exclusive but to be inclusive to outside parties. One of the activities that can be done on campus is by collaborating in the form of community service, campus teaching in schools, can also be done with research and others both in schools and outside other campuses. InsyaAllah, this cooperation and the visits of SMA Assalam’s teachers and students are also very beneficial for us,” he said.

In this activity, representatives of each study program, Development Economics, Management, Accounting, and Digital Business can share about the study programs in FEB UNS.

Introduction to the Digital Business Study Program was delivered by Aldy Fariz Achsanta, Ph.D., Lecturer of the FEB UNS Digital Business Study Program.

“Currently, the Digital Business Study Program led by Putra Pamungkas, S.E., M.Rech., Ph.D., FEB UNS Digital Business Study Program connects the knowledge of the business world with the digital world. So that my fellow Assalam’s students who are interested in this study program will learn the implementation of governance in the field of business as well as data analysis that will be used to face the challenges of the digital business environment,” he explained.

Currently, the FEB UNS Digital Business Study Program is also a superior study program with the highest admission competitiveness ratio at UNS. The career opportunities for the Digital Business Study Program FEB UNS graduates include becoming a Digital Start-up entrepreneur, e-commerce and digital strategy manager, digital marketing expert, digital business analyst, and so on.

The introduction of the study program was also delivered by the representative from the Undergraduate Study Program in Development Economics, Accounting, and Management.

Tastaftiyan, Ph.D., emphasized that students do not need to be too confused to choose a study program at FEB UNS, because basically all study programs at FEB UNS will be related to the wider fields of economics. Thus, the job prospects will also be broad.

In the discussion session, the students asked several questions including related to the short course program, the prospect of the Development Economics Study Program, the appropriate study program to continue the family business, and many others.