Six Invited Speakers Discuss Digital Transformation in International Academic Webinar
Responding to the development of digital business and digital transformation, the Faculty of Accountancy, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Sarawak, Malaysia, hosted an international webinar, inviting two faculty members of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNS, Surakarta. The agenda entitled International Academic Webinar “Digital Transformation” was conducted on Friday, November 11th, 2022, and was opened with a remark from the Dean of FEB UNS, Prof. Drs. Djoko Suhardjanto, M.Com.(Hons)., Ph.D., Ak., and the Head of Accounting Study Program FEB UNS, Agung Nur Probohudono, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D., Ak., CA.
Inviting six speakers, the International Academic Webinar was conducted virtually through the Zoom Cloud Meeting. The six invited speakers are including two lecturers from FEB UNS, Dr. Taufiq Arifin (FEB UNS), and Dr. Putra Pamungkas (FEB UNS), as well as Yussri Sawani (UiTM Sarawak), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mazurina Mohd Ali (UiTM Puncak Alam), Puan NJH. Imilia Ibrahim (UiTM Sarawak), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Natrah Saad (Universiti Utara Malaysia), .
The first speaker, Yussri Sawani, shared material regarding the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Higher Education Institutions, entitled Online SDG Reporting of Higher Education. “Hopefully, through this event, we can equip students with knowledge regarding SDG, thus, in the future, there will be the green generation with broad knowledge,” said Yussri in front of more than 100 webinar participants.
The second speaker, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mazurina, delivered material entitled ‘Digital Transformation in Accounting,’ which detailed the current technology development that will support the accounting profession as well as the upcoming challenges. The shared material covers the effect of digital transformation on the accounting profession, opportunities, challenges, and future development.
The third material, entitled Digital Transformation: Sustaining Institutional Memory, was delivered by Puan NJH. Imilia Ibrahim, discusses how to maintain knowledge within an institution during this digital transformation era. “Digital transformation refers to the adoption of digital technology compared to the typical business process, which aims to develop a business process through digital technology. Moving on to the next material, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Natrah Saad, delivers material entitled Digital Transformation: The Effect on Teaching and Learning.
Dr. Taufiq Arifin (FEB UNS) continues the discussion as the fifth speaker for the event. In his material entitled ‘Digital Transformation to Accelerate SDGs Impact,’ Dr. Taufiq specified six perspectives in digital transformation that can accelerate SDGs’ implementation. These six perspectives are human capital, renewable energy, smart cities, smart industry, digital agriculture, and digital government.
“Previously, we know the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which were intended specifically for developing countries. However, now, the MDGs are replaced with SDGs that also target developed countries. Therefore, all countries are required to apply SDGs, which is crucial to transform the world to be more sustainable,” said Dr. Taufiq, opening his material presentation.
The last speaker, who also comes from FEB UNS, is Dr. Putra Pamungkas with a material entitled Sustainable Finance Digital Transformation and Climate Changes, covering SDGs and sustainable finance, as well as the role of digital transformation in green economy implementation by the MSMEs sector. In his material presentation, Dr. Putra also disseminates a research result involving 2,000 MSMEs in Indonesia. “Our research finds that during the pandemic, micro and small enterprises with huge sales and revenues have a higher opportunity to adopt more advanced digital technology. We also found that digital transformation in the micro and small enterprise has a positive and significant effect on green economy implementation,” explains Dr. Putra.
The Webinar, as part of the Malaysia-Indonesia Inbound and Outbound Program, was concluded with an interactive quiz session conducted through the quizizz platform.