Monetary and Fiscal Studies Research Group Assisted Japeledok Village Farmers Producing Self-Made Fertilizer
Education, research, and community service activities are lecturers’ duties and obligations within the Tri Dharma of Higher Education framework. To fulfill one of the Tri Dharma, community engagement-related activities aim to improve community welfare.
A Community Service Team of the “Monetary and Fiscal Studies Research Group,” Development Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), carries out a training for self-made fertilizer manufacturing, at Japeledok Village, Pancur District, Rembang Regency. The activity was carried out on April 27, 2023, at the Japeledok Village Hall, Rembang Sub-district, Rembang Regency.
The activities led by Dr. Tetuko Rawidyo Putro, S.E., M.Si., as the Chair of the Organizing Committee for the Community Service Team of the “Monetary and Fiscal Studies” Research Group. The community service program aims to support the enhancement of local community expertise in order to produce fertilizer independently, effectively and efficiently. “Farmers in Japeledok Village really need to produce fertilizer independently, to maximize the harvest results,” he said.
According to him, the problems faced by farmers involves the use of less effective and efficient fertilizers offered in the market, which impacted the maximum yield of agricultural crops in Japeledok Village. Therefore, the team needs to intensively provide assistance to farmers.
Ahmad Ariq, the Chairman of Karang Taruna (Youth Association) at Japeledok Village expressed his gratitude to the organizing team from DESP FEB UNS for assisting the farmers to produce fertilizer products independently. Hopefully, this assistance can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural crop yield in Japeledok Village.