21 Jul 2023

LAMEMBA Assessor Carry-out Site Assessment in Undergraduate in Accounting Study Program FEB UNS

On Thursday-Friday, July 20-21, 2023, a site visit assessment was carried out for the Accounting Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) to obtain LAMEMBA accreditation. The Accounting Study Program is the first study program at FEB UNS to apply for accreditation conducted by LAMEMBA field assessment.

The site visit assessment team, as appointed by LAMEMBA to conduct field assessments, consists of Prof. Dr. Dedhy Sulistiawan, S.E., M.Sc., Ak., C.A., from the Universitas Surabaya and Dr. Wuryan Andayani, C.A., MSi., CSRS., CSRA., CMA., from Universitas Brawijaya.

LAMEMBA is an Independent Accreditation Institute for Business Management Economics and Accounting education program, which is tasked to carry out the Accreditation process for Study Programs in Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting.

Both Assessors were welcomed in the Rector’s Assembly Room by Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, M.S., Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs, Dean of FEB, Head of Accounting Study Program, and delegations from UNS Education Quality Assurance and Development Institute.

Prof. Dedhy in his speech conveyed that his arrival with Dr. Wuryan is a mandate from LAMEMBA to carry out an assignment as an assessor. “After looking at the study program’s Self Evaluation Document (DED) and the Program Performance Document (DKPS), our task should be easier, we only need to confirm some documents and additional information to clarify problems related to the international engagement carried out by the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program,” he said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Wuryan emphasized that the purpose of both assessor’s visit to UNS is not to audit and shall not be feared, because they only confirms the information reported in the DED and the DKPS. She said that the purpose of accreditation is for the university to make continuous improvements to provide better education and professional services. Dr. Wuryan is confident that Prof. Djoko as the FEB UNS Dean and some LAMEMBA Assessors at UNS know what tasks the assessors have to do.

On the first day of the assessment, a confirmation session took place with the Head of the Study Program, Management Unit, Internal Quality Assurance, Accreditation Taskforce Team, Middle Management at UPPS, Lecturers, Alumni, and External Users. The Site Visit Assessment continued on the second day with the facility review session in FEB UNS.

The field assessment was concluded with the report of the minutes of meetings and submissions of recommendations from both assessors.