International accreditation is the implementation of education based on input and learning outcomes. This learning achievement base can provide a reference for learning achievement and guarantee its fulfillment through a continuous improvement process. Where the learning achievement criteria involve a number of national and international professional organizations / associations. For now various study programs at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNS have received accreditation both nationally and internationally. National university accreditation is obtained from the National Higher Education Accreditation Agency (BAN PT). This accreditation is very important for study programs, because it refers to the National Education Standards in Indonesia. In addition to national accreditation, several FEB UNS study programs have expanded international networks by becoming members (membership) and have been accredited (accredited) by international accreditation institutions.


  1. ABEST21 accredited (The Alliance of Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, 21st Century Organization) for the Master of Management Program
  2. Accredited AUN QA (ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance) for the S1 Management Study Program


  1. Member AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) for Management S1 Study Program
  2. AAPBS member (Association of Asia Pacific Business School) for Accounting S1 Study Program
  3. EFMD – EPAS Members (European Foundation for Management Development Program Accreditation System) for Accounting S1 Study Programs

> International Collaboration

> International Accreditation