Inauguration of Digital Business Study Program Student Association FEB UNS Invited Two Speakers
Digital Business Study Program Student Association (HMBD), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta is inaugurated by the Dean of FEB UNS, represented by the Vice-Dean of Academic, Research, and Student Affairs FEB UNS, Prof. Dr. Izza Mafruhah, SE, M.Si, on Wednesday 22 February 2023 in the First Assembly Room FEB UNS.
“In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, representing the Dean of FEB UNS, on this day, Wednesday, 22 February 2023, the Digital Business Study Program Student Association is officially inaugurated,” announced Prof. Izza.
In her remarks, Prof. Izza states that as the youngest study program in FEB UNS, the Digital Business Study Program is outstanding. It has garnered great interest, with thousands of applications, but only 60 prospective students were selected to be enrolled in the Study Program.
In the first year, the Digital Business Study Program has delegated its students to Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).
Further, Prof. Izza hopes that HMBD will have annual agenda, which not only involve students in UNS but also national students. There should be annual agenda for students association, for instance, Accounting Study Program Students Association with ACTIVE, Management Study Program Students Association with Management Carnival, and Development Economics Study Program Student Association with ALCOFE.
The Academic, Research, and Student Affairs Office FEB UNS conducted a monthly assembly with the student association and organization (Ormawa). This meeting aims to facilitate students’ activities and allow the faculty to monitor the implementation.
Prof. Izza suggested that students can join any Ormawa available within the faculty. Students who actively participate in Ormawa activities have strong talents, as they are used to collaboration and building networks with different personalities. Hopefully, students who are active in student organizations can maintain their studies to get graduated on time. “You are free to join and participate in any activity but don’t forget your main duty as students,” she concluded.
The inauguration was marked by sharing a cut ‘tumpeng’ from the Head of the Digital Business Study Program, Dr. Tastaftiyan Risfandy, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., to the Chair of HMBD, Athaya.
To celebrate the inauguration, the Study Program also invites two speakers, namely, Addy Wahyu Fitriadi S.ST, M.T.I., from the Central Bureau of Statistics for Surakarta Region, delivering material entitled “Digitalization in Government Office,” and Syaiful Amri, Sub Branch Head BTN Syariah Sragen, with material entitled “Millennials and Digital Banking.”