Helping Toddler’s Growth, GRISKA FEB UNS Hosted Workshop on Maximum Nutrition with Minimal Budget for Musuk Boyolali Health Center Members
Institutions and Financial Markets Research Group (GRISKA), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) in collaboration with the Musuk Boyolali Health Center conducted an information extension program for the health center members under a community service program entitled ‘Workshop on Toddler Growth and Development, Maximum Nutrition with Minimal Budget.’
The activity was held on Saturday, September 30, 2023, to provide insight to health center members and the residents related to issues of toddler growth and development.
The first topic was delivered by the Director of the MATARIDA Research and Consultation Institute, Endrika Laksono, regarding the important role of family nutrition in child development.
The next topic is about the level of stunting in toddlers in Boyolali and its treatment, which was presented directly by Ahmad Faizin, S.Kep., Ns, Head of 1st Musuk Boyolali Health Center. Ahmad explained the trend of stunting cases in the Boyolali region. Currently, stunting cases occur more in urban areas. This happens due to the lack of exclusive breastfeeding for toddlers.
The third session was filled by Nur Hayati, AMG as a Nutritionist at the Musuk Boyolali Health Center, which was filled with discussions about important nutrition in baby and toddler growth and development. “Growth and development are a continuous process and are influenced by genetic factors and the environment including good nutrition,” said Nur Hayati.
The fourth material is delivered by Rachmad Agus Yulianto, a researcher at the MATARIDA Research and Consultation Institute on safe nutritious frugal shopping. The final session was a presentation of material from Arum Setyowati, S.E., M.M., Lecturer of FEB UNS regarding balanced nutrition menu budgeting.
During the discussion session, the health center members were given an explanation and guidelines for planning nutritious weekly food shopping. This workshop activity is expected to provide new insights to the participants about the importance of maximum nutrition for babies and toddlers to avoid stunting.