Guest Lecture Human Resource Management, Management Study Program Invites Assoc. Prof. Clotilde Coron
The Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, hosted another Visiting Professor Series in Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka Program (PKKM) 2022. The current Guest Lecture: Human Resource Management, discusses the topic of ‘Digital and HRM’ on Tuesday, December 6th, 2022. The virtual Guest Lecture through Zoom Cloud Meeting invited Associate Professor Clotilde Coron from IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School, France, as the main speaker.
Led by Management Study Program lecturer, Dewanti Cahyaningsih, M.Rech., the agenda goes for around two hours, starting from 15.00 to 17.00 Western Indonesia Time.
Starting the material dissemination, Assoc. Prof. Coron explained the concept of digital to more than 130 participants. “Digital is no longer limited to tools, but now, the concept of digital covers revolution of space and time, collaboration, information, datafication, and personalization. For instance, right now, it is highly possible for us to access the same information even if we are not in the same room or location.”
Further, she explains the digital technology applied in the human resource management sector and the existing challenges, which include disruption, economic platforms, collaboration, and automatization. On the other hand, she also mentioned the advantages of digital technology adoption in human resource management, including productivity improvement, enhanced focus on high-added-value assignments, and data usage for human resource performance improvement.
An interactive discussion ensues after the material presentation between Assoc. Prof. Coron with the participants of the Visiting Professor Lecture.