FEB UNS Lecturers Attended IKU 3 and IKU 4 Reporting
Lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, participated in Assistance for IKU 3 and IKU 4 Data Reporting to SISTER. The assistance was hosted by Performance Assessment Team UNS, Thursday, 27 April 2023 at FEB UNS Computer Laboratory.
The Vice Dean for Human Resources, Finance, and Logistics FEB UNS, in her remarks, thanked the lecturers participating in the assistance, for taking the time to attend the agenda. Further, she reveals that the SISTER Data update is important aside from the urgent IKU 3 and IKU 4 report, which later will be the basis for BKD’s assessment.
“Hopefully, the lecturers can use this opportunity to help them in updating their SISTER account independently, at least once a semester. Therefore, after this transition all lecturers can be comfortable with the responsibility to update their SISTER account,” she said.
The session is also available for the lecturers, who have completed updating their accounts, to discuss other topics related to SISTER. Previously, Dr. Djuminah has sent several reminders through the lecturers’ chat group to share various information regarding IKU 3 and IKU 4 reporting. PowerPoint material has also been disseminated to lecturers, allowing them to learn the topic beforehand, the lecturers also requested to prepare any supporting documents in pdf format to have an efficient and effective assistance session.
The organizing committee divided lecturers into two groups, the first group (Kelompok I) consists of lecturers’ data that has not been included in IKU-4, which requires Competency Certification Certificate. The second group (Kelompok II) consists of lecturers who have conducted out-of-campus academic activities such as QS-100, working as industrial practitioners, and assignments as a supervisor for Outstanding Students mentoring.
Meanwhile, Iwan Kusmartono, S.H., the Coordinator for UNS Human Resources Office, in his remarks states that the HR Office will oversee or assist lecturers in filling their IKU-3 and IKU-4 reports, which will be closed today.
Hopefully, all FEB UNS lecturers can update their activities related to IKU-3 such as external assignments from other institutions and supervision for Outstanding Students. Meanwhile, for IKU-4, he considers the update sufficient.
In this event, lecturers can deliver any questions regarding the IKU update to the UNS HR team assigned to FEB UNS. Iwan also reminds the lecturers that if they receive any multi-year assignment starting from 2021 to 2024, the assignment letter can be updated in their system each year.