Entrepreneur Talk Show
The Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Sebelas Maret (FEB UNS) Surakarta in collaboration with the Harian Bisnis Indonesia, hosted a Talk Show in Campus: Successfully Become a Young Entrepreneur in Disruptive Era. This talk show is held in the FEB UNS Hall (3rd Building), on Tuesday, 10th October 2019. The event was opened by the Rector of UNS, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho. The speakers invited for the event are the Director of Strategic Human Capital of BTN: Yossi Istanto, Owner of Regarsport: Jumariyanto, INDEF Economist: Bhima Yudhistira, and Rector Staff Expert in Academics Affairs and Business Development UNS: Dr. Sutanto S.Si. DEA.
In his opening remarks, the Rector of UNS, Prof.Dr. Jamal Wiwoho mentions that industrial revolution 4.0 that is happening in all countries, encourage a disruption on various fields. This can give an opportunity as well as challenge for the young generation, which also known as millennial generation. The millennial generation is quite dominant in the digital era and are expected to have an important role in dealing with the industrial revolution 4.0, which related with demographic bonus for Indonesia in 2030.
“We are aware and admit that the technological change currently happened rapidly due to disruption. The trend on technological change has shifted, thus the digital technology has led the world ecosystem and economics. Other challenges we face are related with the availability of employment that shrink due to technology advancement,” Prof. Jamal explains. He added that approximately there are 5 million people who will lose their job due to automatization. A huge change in industrial world will have a direct impact on millennial generation existence. Because even though the generation have a high entrepreneurial spirit, the execution remains weak.
On this digital era, it is convenient to be an entrepreneur because of technology advancement. However, the success rate of millennial business is low due to their consumptive lifestyle. Therefore, a paradigm or millennial point of view should be changed, not only working in efficient and productive manner, but also to be tough in winning competition, have a great innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship. Currently there are 130 million people in productive age who can take on new opportunities to develop business in the digital era. For instance, Gojek, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, and the most current one Ruang Guru, which predicted to be a Unicorn in Indonesia.
With the vast development of digital business, the Indonesia government is targeting the creation of 1,000 technopreneur in 2020. “For that, I and UNS should encourage the millennial generation especially the one present here and across Indonesia, to grab the opportunity and take an active role in digital industry era,” Prof. Jamal says.
Prof. Jamal adds that UNS should empower human talents it has to face the industrial revolution 4.0 and VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complexity, Ambiguous) era. The main key is competitive and innovative human resource. “To prove that UNS capable to innovate, we currently have a start-up as research result from junior lecturer from Engineering Faculty, namely Lithium Battery and Natural Colouring Batik (Ecody), which will be the Teaching Factory of UNS.”
Meanwhile, the Editor in Chief of Harian Bisnis Indonesia, Hery Trianto explains that this event is not only conducted in UNS, but also in other campus. “We hope that when the students are graduated, they will not only focus on finding a job. Because they can establish a new business and employment,” Hery explain.