Developing Potential, Interest, and Talent, BEM FEB Holds FEBstival 2023
The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) through the Ministry of Student Interest and Career Development held a FEBstival with the theme “EXCELLENT,” on Thursday-Friday, October 26-27, 2023.
FEBstival which was held at Djarwanto PS FEB Building consisted of three series of events, namely MSME EXPO, FEB GOT TALENT, and FEB AWARDS.
FEBstival is an activity that is expected to be a forum in facilitating FEB UNS students to develop potential interests and talents as well as a form of appreciation to students, Student Activity Units (UKM), and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in FEB UNS. This event was attended by invited guests, UKM/ORMAWA FEB, as well as the general public.
Through her written report, Lili Suryani, the Chairperson of FEBstival 2023, from the Digital Business Study Program FEB UNS said that the expected goal in FEBstival 2023 is to create creative, intelligent, and outstanding students in FEB UNS.
Additionally, this agenda also aims to encourage, foster, and improve the quality of students’ interest and talent within the UKM in FEB UNS, by giving appreciation and providing a forum for students to develop themselves in the business field.
FEBstival 2023 lasted for two days with three activities, the MSME EXPO hosted on 26-27 October 2023, and FEB GOT TALENT hosted on October 27, 2023, featuring FEB GOT TALENT participants who had previously registered.
The highlight of the occasion, as well as the closing ceremony of the FEBstival activity, was a tribute to the FEB UNS academic members, namely the FEB AWARDS. The committee has designated the nominations and nominee, which was voted by FEB UNS academic members before D-Day, with 3 categories of nominations, including Lecturer nominations, Student nominations, and SME/ORMAWA nominations.