Behavioral Accounting Research Group FEB UNS Assisted Coastal Fabric Craftsmen in Laban Village
The Behavioral Accounting Research Group, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), organized a community service program in collaboration with Lilik Coastal Fabric Craftsmen group in Laban Village, Sukoharjo, Saturday, 05/06/2023.
The community service team is led by Dra. Y. Anni Aryani, M.Prof.Acc., Ph.D., Ak., along with Dr. Evi Gantyowati, MSc., Ak., Dr. Payamta, MSc., Ak., CPA., Isna Putri Rahmawati, SE., MSc., Ak., Prof. Doddy Setiawan, SE., MSi., Ph.D., Ak., Dian Perwitasari, S.Ak., M.Sc., and An Nurrahmawati, S.E., M.Sc., as the members.
The activity conducted at the Production House of Lilik Coastal Fabric Craftsman was attended by the business owner and a number of employees. This coastal fabric business was only established in 2019 with bulk coastal fabric production as its main operation. The production has been distributed both domestically and internationally.
As a newly established business, this coastal fabric business has faced problems that require them to seek assistance and mentoring. The problems are, among other, business owners’ lack of entrepreneurial knowledge, leading the business owner only focuses on fulfilling orders. Hence, they are less focused on managing the business as a whole. In addition, some padder machine (a machine for fabric coloring and cleaning) components need to be replaced immediately due to obsolete.
For this reason, the Behavioral Accounting community service team considers the need to enhance craftsmen’s entrepreneurial knowledge. This aims to help the owner to be able to manage and develop his business. The community team delivered entrepreneurial materials and followed by an open discussion with the craftsmen. The material presented is related to financial planning, production planning, and targeted marketing strategies to expand market outreach.
Other than providing training materials, the team also provides equipment assistance in the form of padder machine spare parts, which were handed directly during the community service program. This equipment assistance serves as a solution to the identified problems, uncovered through pre-program implementation interviews.
The team has placed a spare parts order on a workshop to produce and assemble a padder engine frame and padder tub. After the new spare parts are finished, the Lilik Coastal Fabric owner and craftsmen, together with the Community Service Team tested the padder machine. This machine operation test is conducted after the new frame and tinting tub are installed.
After successful trials, the padder engine spare parts handover ceremony was conducted. Hopefully, the spare parts can speed up project production. This will allow the business to meet the customers’ demands in greater quantity, quickly, effectively, and efficiently. At the end of the assistance program, the community service team evaluates the level of understanding of the material delivered.
This dissemination and entrepreneurial training provide sufficient theoretical and applied knowledge to the Lilik Coastal Fabric Craftsmen to improve their entrepreneurial skills.
The Lilik Coastal Fabric Craftsmen express their gratitude, since now they have a machine that can accommodate customer orders. Therefore, the production capacity in the next period will be improved.