Accounting Study Program Online Master Class Program
The internationalization process needs support from all components of the academic community, especially lecturers as a key component of teaching. The role, duties, and responsibilities of lecturers are very important in realizing the goals of national education, namely educating the life of the nation, improving the quality of Indonesian people, which includes the quality of faith / piety, noble morals, and mastery of science, technology, and art, and realizing an advanced, fair, prosperous, and civilized Indonesian society. Lecturers are always required to be professional, productive and indicative, because according to article 49 paragraph 2 of Indonesian Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, in addition to carrying out Tri Dharma of higher education, professors also have special obligations in the form of; (1) write a book; (2) produce scientific work; and (3) spread ideas. In line with this, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNS considers the need for internationalization cooperation in the field of lecturer exchange with partner universities. This program is designed to present guest lecturers from universities abroad proposed by the Study Program and faculty to teach a course (study topic) and conduct various academic activities with students and lecturers.
The Faculty of Economics and Business as part of Universitas Sebelas Maret participated in this achievement effort by holding various international cooperation activities and programs. One of the programs that was successfully initiated is the Master Class.
FEB UNS Accounting S1 Study Program has organized an online master class program on November 16, 2021. This activity was attended by 20 lecturers of Accounting S1 Study Program. This master class with the theme “From Memorization to Imagination” is designed for academics who are interested in developing skills in the teaching process that suit the needs of today’s students. Lecturers can learn various ways to integrate innovation and creativity in curriculum development so that it is easier to understand and be accepted by students. Training is emphasized on shifting the paradigm of teaching and learning activities from “memorization” to “imagination” In this activity is divided into 5 modules.