Visiting FEB UNS, Head of BPS RI Monitor and Evaluate Study Assignment of the APBN BPS Student at MM FEB UNS
The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), welcomed a visitation from the Head of the Center for Education and Training (Pusdiklat) of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) RI, Suntono, SE, M.Si., and the team on Friday, July 17, 2023.
The team from BPS was welcomed by the Dean of FEB UNS, Prof. Dr. Djoko Suhardjanto, M.Com., (Hons). PhD., Ak., FEB UNS Deputy Deans, Head of Master of Management (MM) Study Program FEB UNS, and all students delegated in BPS Study Assignment at MM Study Program, at Assembly Room 1 Soeharno Building FEB UNS.
This visit has a primary objective of monitoring and evaluating the progress of the BPS APBN Student’s study assignments within the Master of Management Study Program FEB UNS.
After delivering a warm welcome speech and introducing the esteemed figures holding the positions of FEB UNS Dean and Head of the MM Study Program, Prof. Djoko has graciously offered a glimpse into the MM student graduation requirements.
As a graduation requirement, MM students need to write research articles and have them published in international journals or accredited national journals, with at least Sinta 2. Prof. Djoko also encouraged students to complete their studies within 4 semesters.
Prof. Djoko also thanked Mr. Suntono and the team who had delegated BPS staff to go on Study Assignments at the MM Study Program FEB UNS and hoped to continue this excellent partnership between FEB UNS and BPS.
Regarding the partnership between the two institutions, Suntono remarked that BPS Leaders hold a positive view of UNS, highlighting the institution’s commendable and cooperative efforts during the initial year of their partnership with Pusdiklat BPS. This promising start ensures the collaboration with UNS to continue in a sustainable manner.
On this occasion, the Head of the MM Study Program, Retno Tanding Suryandari, S.E., M.E., Ph.D., reported the students’ development under the BPS Study Assignment at the MM Study Program in detail.
She also reported that to support a seamless study for the MM students, the study program has organized various activities including Scientific Writing Workshop, Analysis Tool Workshop, NCAB Conference, Business Seminar, Macroeconomic Training and Fiscal Policy, and including an upcoming agenda entitled ‘leadership workshop.’
After the session, Suntono and the BPS team had an internal discussion with the 18 students regarding their study assignments.