UNS KKN Team Provides Dissemination on the Establishment of MSMEs in Monterado Village, West Kalimantan
Group 9 of the IX Kebangsaan Student Community Service (KKN) Team West Kalimantan held an information extension and dissemination in Monterado Village, Bengkayang, West Kalimantan. This activity is intended for community development as well as Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Monterado Village.
The KKN IX Team is a collaboration of universities students including Universitas Sebelas Maret, Universitas Sriwijaya, IAIN Palangkaraya, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia Makassar, Institut Shanti Bhuana Bengkayang, IAIN Pontianak, and Universitas Tanjungpura.
To feb.uns.ac.id, Muhammad Ezzat Alfauzi, a student of the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNS said that the program entitled “Dissemination of MSME Manufacturing and Development” was carried out with a material presented by the Group 9 of KKN Kebangsaan Team.
In the dissemination held on (03/08/2023), the students explained the conditions for establishing MSMEs and their positive impact on the community if MSMEs could embrace the surrounding community. Hopefully, the information and knowledge shared will be beneficial not only for the Head of BPD but also for the residents of Monterado village.
There are various problems related to business establishment and development, especially for MSMEs. These problems include unoptimized local natural products usage in business, which should have been promoted by the village government to boost the potential of local products, thus, encouraging the residents’ economic activities.
With the dissemination of MSMEs establishment and development of MSMEs, hopefully, the Moterado Village community can take advantage of the existing resources and residents’ creativity to improve the Monterado Village welfare.
The dissemination received positive notes from the Head of Monterado Village Consultative Body (BPD) and also the residents of Monterado Village. Many of the residents are interested in creating profitable products by utilizing available local resources. With the help of the Monterado BUMdes to facilitate their legality, hopefully, the operation process within the village’s MSMEs can go seamlessly, thus, improving the Monterado Village economic activities.
The residents’ interest can be seen from the highly interactive residents’ enthusiasm during the material session explaining the importance of MSMEs and how they impact the surrounding community.