The Dean of FEB UNS Encourage PhD Students to Finish Their Study
The student of Doctor in Economics Program should have a high spirit to finish their study and encouraging their junior to do so, thus improving the general performance of the study program. This encouragement is expressed by the Dean of FEB UNS Prof. Drs. Djoko Suhardjanto, M.Com.(Hons).,Ph.D.,Ak., during the opening remarks in alumni and PhD students meeting on Thursday, June 27th 2019.
“The faculty will build a workstation for the master and doctoral students to improve their study process and establishing better monitoring process, thus there is no reason for students to prolong their study time,” he explains further.
At the end of his opening remarks, Prof. Djoko give a message to the audience to have a life that benefit others, and do not be a person who bring an unrest in the community. We should live in this world and strive for salvation, happiness, and prosperity.
A similar message also given by the Head of Doctoral Program in Economics, Prof.Dr. Rahmawati, M.Si., Ak, who advised to the students to be more focused on their study and intensify their supervision activity to speed up their study.
Further, Prof. Rahmawati, requesting support and prayer from all of the students and alumni, due to ABEST21 certification submission for the study program later on this year as well as for the national re-accreditation on the 2020. “Various effort has been taken to maintain the quality of education in the study program among other by providing understanding on the vision and mission of the study program, to the academic staff, faculty member, as well as the students,” she explains.
Moreover, for the internationalization program, exchange program is available both for the lecturer and students. As for the 2020 (next year) there will be 2 (two) exchange students in PhD program.
In the occasion, aside from the dawah (proselytizing) given by FEB UNS lecturer, Hasim, M.Ag, a souvenirs or momento was awarded to Prof. Dr. Tulus Haryono, M.Ek. as the previous Head of the PhD program of FEB UNS. As the previous Head of the study program, Prof. Tulus has given many contributions since the establishment of the program to 2019 where the program successfully earns an “A” accreditation. Prof. Tulus in his remarks, advise the students to keep focussed in finishing their study as well as having a planned target.