The final result that is expected and tangible from the SEASAC project at UNS which consists of a B2B Sales Short Course and the Southeast Asian Sales Competition Final is a sales curriculum that can be implemented by various universities and fields of expertise. This innovation and advancement involve companies teaching sales at the university level in all stages: planning, executing, and evaluating student performance.
Apart from various partner universities from Indonesia, Thailand, Finland, United Kingdom, and Austria, this collaboration concept is expected to attract universities from other countries in the Southeast Asia region during the project so that program sustainability can be achieved.
The 2019 UNS Sales Competition
Sales Competition in Sebelas Maret University (UNS) has been held by involving undergraduate students from across faculties. The strict selection was conducted and 24 students were selected to take part in the first phase of B2B sales course at UNS. The participants come from different disciplines: education faculty, biology, industrial engineering, accounting etc. Although coming from various disciplines, participants showed high enthusiasm in participating in this intensive UNS B2B sales courses.
B2B Sales course at UNS covers five class sessions and one simulation session. The first session was delivered by four instructors including the importance of sales & sales meeting preparation, product & company knowledge, culture & communication, understanding of customers and markets, international sales meeting execution and the mini simulation was performed after the class session was fully completed. Then, the first round of UNS sales competition was held in the next day.
The first round of sales competition at UNS was held on November 3, 2019, with a total of 24 students participating in the short course. The one-day competition begins with a technical meeting, participant preparation and sales competition which is divided into four parallel sessions. Four students acted as buyers and lecturers as judges. In the first round, eight finalists were determined and then met at the final stage of the UNS sales competition.
In the final stage, a professional from a conference software development company was involved in developing a case and also at the same time as a buyer in the final competition. From 8 finalists, 5 students attended and competed in the final round. Previously, the finalists had been equipped with a deeper technical selling skill and more understanding in conceptual basis. The final round has lasted for around 4 hours with an increasing in selling skills compared to the performance of the first round.
Four judges at the final stage of the UNS sales competition selected 4 students who would then compete in the 1st SEASAC 2020 in Mahasarakham, Thailand, they are Putri Qisthi, Gustaf Ardiansyah, Giva Almaeda, and Naomi Gardianti. To face the SEASAC 2020, UNS students will be given supporting material and intensive additional training to get the best results in Mahasarakham Competition.