Management Study Program Invites Prof. Daniel Chicksand in Supply Chain Management Guest Lecture
Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, hosted a guest lecture visiting professor series as part of the Visiting Professor Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka Program (PKKM) 2022. In an event entitled Guest Lecture Operation Management “Supply Chain Management in 5.0 Industry,” hosted virtually through the Zoom Cloud Meeting on Wednesday, October 5th, 2022, the Study Program invited Prof. Daniel Chicksand from Birmingham Business School, UK, and Dewanti Cahyaningsih M.Rech., as event moderator.

Invited speaker, Prof. Daniel Chicksand
Through the event attended by more than 230 students and lecturer participants, Prof. Chicksand discusses the supply chain from a theoretical and professional point of view. “Supply chain does not suddenly appear, it needs design. A business needs to decide the design and how they will manage their supply chain,” he explains, starting the material dissemination.
Further, Prof. Chicksand also explains the difference between operation management and supply chain management, where operation management is more focused on the transformation process, while supply chain management is more focused on input and output. In general, the lecture session was divided into two parts, the first part discussed supply chain network design and the second part about supply chain management. Supply chain network design is affected by two aspects, structure and network, and the supply chain network implemented. Meanwhile, for the supply chain sub-management, Prof. Chicksand explains several points about supplier selection, relationship with the supplier, and priority between the agile and lean supply chains.
“Recently, we saw numerous news regarding supply chains, where management must face the black swan effect anytime, which is caused by military turmoil in a certain region that can affect the supply chain process, leading to potential delivery delay. Supply chain management becomes crucial because this aspect affects how we use supply constantly,” explains Prof. Chicksand.
Following the material dissemination that lasted for around one hour, students were given the opportunity to deliver questions interactively with Prof. Chicksand. Some students show their enthusiasm through inquiries regarding outsourcing and other aspects related to the supply chain.