HMJ Management FEB UNS Held Social Care
Student Association of Undergraduate Program in Management (HMJ Manajemen) Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held Management Care (M-Care), a social service program, in Panti Jati Adulam Ministry, Pasar Kliwon, Solo.
The person in charge of this program, Nanda Febrian Adyningsih stated that this program is a routine agenda of HMJ Manajemen that targets financially disadvantaged people. This program aims to develop social sensitivity, care, and a sense of love and belonging to each other. M-Care started with fundraising from the financially advantaged community in various forms, both cash and goods. The collected money and goods were then distributed to the disadvantaged community.
“M-Care invites people to participate and lend a hand to help others. Alhamdulillah, in around two weeks, we succeed in raising funds from donors that exceed our target. This includes funds from FEB UNS Motorbike Club, EMC, and we are thankful for the support. And on 5 December 2020, we had conducted the Social Service,” Nanda explained, Thursday (17/12/2020).
For 2020, Panti Jati Adulam Ministry becomes the target of the M-Care event because the institution has 70 residents with mental disorders and 10 elderly people. The relief in the form of cash, staple foods, and cleaning tools was handed symbolically to the management. After the ceremony, the students assisted the administration in preparing afternoon tea for all residents. The management conveyed their gratitude and was glad to receive such assistance. (Humas)