FEB UNS Research Group Gives a Training on E-Branding in Kepuhsari Tourism Village
The economics digital era 4.0 requires business actors to develop their business through a creative online marketing and e-branding. This was delivered by Prof. Yunastiti Purwaningsih, MP, as the Head of Industrial Economics Research Group FEB UNS to the participants of e-branding of shadow puppet products in Kepuhsari village on Sunday July 14th, 2019.
The participants who are member of Tetuko Tourism Awareness Group (Kelompok Sadar Wisata-Pokdarwis) are the artisans of carving decoration art in Kepuhsari, Manyaran, Wonogiri. The participants are taught on the use of social media for promotion and e-branding. Johadi, M.Sc as one of the speaker explains that there are certain tricks that should be understood by online marketers in using social media.
The second speakers Mulyadi, SE., M.Ec.Dev., who is also the Head of the Workshop, deliver the topic graphic video and Youtube. Online marketing and e-branding through social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube) is needed in this era.