FEB UNS and DDTC Agreed on Tax Education Partnership
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FEB UNS), together with DDTC, agreed on the educational collaboration in the field of taxation. The continuation of this partnership is also supported by the FEB Alumni Family (KAFEB) UNS.
Marking the advancement of the partnership, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between DDTC and FEB UNS on Education Development and Improvement was signed on Monday, May 20, 2024, at UNS Tower, Surakarta.
The signing of the MoA was carried out directly by the Founder of DDTC Darussalam and the Dean of FEB uns Djoko Suhardjanto, represented by the Acting Vice Dean for Academic, Research, and Student Affairs, Dwi Prasetyani. Also attending the event was the Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs UNS, Prof. Irwan Trinugroho to sign the partnership memorandum.
The signing of the MoA was also witnessed by the Chair of the UNS Academic Senate, Prof. Tulus Haryono, Executive Chairman of KAFEB UNS, R. Andiona Boedisoejoto, as well as the Chairman of Dharma Bekti Foundation KAFEB UNS Jati Haryanto.
In her remarks, Dwi Prasetyani expressed her gratitude for the collaboration between FEB UNS and DDTC with the support of KAFEB UNS. Moreover, the Founder of DDTC is also an outstanding alumnus from FEB UNS.
“DDTC’s dedication to FEB UNS is extraordinary. This is a good opportunity, especially for FEB UNS students. For instance, students can get work and internship experience. Thank you to DDTC for the partnership,” she said.
There are several activities covered as the scope of the MoA between FEB UNS and DDTC. For example, the DDTC Executive Internship Program, DDTC Professional Recruitment, seminars and training, workshops for lecturers, tax curriculum development, and research.
The founder of DDTC, Darussalam, said that the institution is open to various activities and partnerships that would be carried out after the signing of the MoA. One of the activities that can be done is joint research and internship.
“There will be a lot we can do. We are ready to welcome student internships. We are also ready to conduct further education for taxation lecturers in FEB. Today, we are ready to distribute some books as an initial commitment of DDTC,” said Darussalam.
To date, DDTC has established partnerships with 38 universities in Indonesia. This cooperation is a concrete form of one of DDTC’s missions, which is to eliminate asymmetric information in the Indonesian tax community.
The Vice-Rector for Planning, Partnership, Business, and Information Affairs UNS, Prof. Irwan Trinugroho welcomed the partnership. According to him, UNS will continue to establish synergies and collaborations with various parties, including DDTC, to create graduates who suit the needs of the industry. Moreover, UNS and DDTC have also signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU). In addition to FEB UNS, DDTC has also signed a cooperation agreement or MOA with UNS Vocational School.
The existence of the Merdeka Campus policy is also a gateway for the university to continue to establish synergies and collaborations with practitioners and industry. Hopefully, FEB UNS graduates can keep up with the advancement and industry dynamics, including in the field of taxation.
“The important thing for students is knowledge, skills, analytical thinking, and practice. Thank you to DDTC for always supporting UNS, including FEB,” he said.
Meanwhile, based on The QS World University Rankings in 2024, FEB UNS was ranked 4th for best economics majors in Indonesia. Additionally, in the Webometrics ranking in January 2024, UNS occupies the 7th position in Indonesia.
In addition to the signatory ceremony of the MoA between DDTC and FEB UNS, there were two side agendas at this KAFEB Talk X DDTC event. First is the book review for the DDTC’s latest book entitled Basic Tax Concepts: Based on an International Perspective, which is the 24th book launched to coincide with the DDTC’s 17th anniversary on August 20, 2024. This book was written by Darussalam alongside DDTC Founder, Danny Septriadi and Tax Expert, CEO Office DDTC, Atika Ritmelina Marhani. In this event, DDTC also distributed books to the UNS Rectorate Office, FEB UNS, and KAFEB UNS. Furthermore, some of the selected participants also received this book exclusively.
Second, KAFEB Talk: Kickstarting Your Career in Taxation. Darussalam delivered material on career opportunities in the vast tax sector. Attending the event was FEB UNS Lecturer Taufiq Arifin, PhD., acting as the moderator.
Not only that, as part of the concrete form of cooperation, DDTC opens an exclusive internship pathway for UNS students. DDTC provided a golden ticket to take part in the DDTC Exclusive Apprenticeship Selection for UNS Students to the event participants.
For this reason, there was also Inayya Putri Pidata from Human Capital DDTC who delivered information related to internship and career opportunities. DDTC Assistant Manager, Brand & Relations, Idznila Shabrina was also present to explain DDTC Taxation.