FEB UNS Academic Senate Benchmarking Visit to IPB FEM Senate
The Academic Senate (SA) of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), made a benchmarking study visit to the Senate of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM), Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University) on Thursday, June 22, 2023.
To FEB Media, Prof. Dr. Tulus Haryono, M.Ek., Chairman of SA FEB UNS conveyed that the purpose and objective of the visit to the FEM IPB Senate was for a benchmarking study regarding the main duty and the faculty senate.
“During the visit, I presented the Organizational Structure of SA FEB UNS and introduced all the commissions attending the benchmarking visit that are Commission A for Academic, Student Affairs and Alumni Affairs; Commission B for Finance and Logistics Affairs; Commission C for Innovation and Partnership Affairs, and those assigned to Commission C, the Commission of Professors,” he explained.
It is said that from the visit, SA FEB UNS indirectly received a lot of input related to the main duty and functions of the faculty senate and also received a lot of motivation related to the achievements of FEM IPB. And no less important is the proposed workshop between the FEM IPB Senate and FEB UNS related to building Nationalism Mentality, if in UNS there is a Pancasila Fortress.
Dr. Dwi Prasetyani, SE, M.Si., the SA Representative who also serves as Plt. FEB UNS Vice Dean of Academic, Research, and Student Affairs added that during the visit, SA FEB UNS was welcomed by the Dean of FEM IPB, Dr. Irfan Syauqi Beik, and Chairman of the FEM IPB Senate, Dr. Ir. Bayu Krisnamurthi, MS.
According to her, this visit is very beneficial, in addition to a benchmarking study, it opens a wide opportunity for collaboration between the two parties.
“Yesterday’s visit was very useful, our initial goal was to stay in touch, benchmarking, we also got an offer of collaboration, so we welcomed each other offers,” she said.
Many things were discussed in the discussion session that took place at the FEM IPB Auditorium. In addition to sharing the role and function of the Senate in FEM IPB and SA FEB UNS, the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) was also discussed.
From the long discussion, there will be follow-up activities between the two institutions. There was a joint discussion for the evaluation of MBKM and hopefully, not only between the FEM IPB Senate and SA FEB UNS but also cooperating with the senate in other faculties. In addition, business development workshops will be held.
It was also discussed that there would be a discussion forum that took place in a hybrid manner between FEM IPB and FEB UNS alumni.
After the discussion, SA FEB UNS had the opportunity to visit the IPB University museum, which was inaugurated on July 12, 2023, describing IPB from the past to the future, this museum is also a form of appreciation for its predecessors and also a point to design the future