FEB Staff Participate in HR Discussion, Building Work Ethos to Improve FEB
The Academic Support Staff (Tendik) of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) participated in a Discussion meeting in the Konimex Hall of the Bachtiar Effendi Building, on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Aside from serving as a performance evaluation for the Academic Support Staff, the agenda also aims to introduce the new Coordinator for the Administration Affairs at FEB, Iwan Kusmartono, SH.
The Vice Dean for Human Resources, Finance, and Logistics of FEB UNS, Dr. Djuminah, M.Si., Ak., in her remarks, conveyed that FEB Academic Support Staff should always maintain a sense of unity and collaboration in conducting their job duties, working together for seamless tasks completion at FEB.
“When conducting your duty, do not get divided into groups as it will erode our comradeship. We must be able to help each other,” she stressed.
Furthermore, she added that each staff has their own strengths, which similar to units or faculties. Weaknesses and strengths must make opportunities for the staff to work better, together, in facing the challenges of a rapidly developing era.
Meanwhile, starting his remarks Iwan shared his experiences when serving in the HR department at the UNS Headquarters Office. He also invited more than 40 Academic Support Staff who attended the discussion to remain grateful.
“We must strengthen our hearts, and always be grateful that we are here more fortunate than people out there. This is important because if we do not strengthen our hearts, we will always feel like we are lacking in something. Harboring this feeling, at the time when we are assigned to do a task, which is outside our main duty, it will definitely feel heavy and we reject it,” he revealed.
Iwan also emphasized the importance of maintaining trust in work, things related to job duty shall be resolved first while maintain discipline to comply with predetermined working hours. Certain values and principles in helping, alleviating, and facilitating other people’s affairs needs to be instilled, thus the staff can conduct their job well and contributes positively to FEB in particular and also UNS.
“At the beginning let’s try to build synergy, build a good work ethos, build good working relationships, thus all work can be completed well too, not for person per person but for FEB,” he stated.
Iwan also advised the participants to be careful in providing services, do not make statements that hurt others. In this era, any dissatisfaction from those we serve will be very easy to go on social media, especially Twitter.
Iwan also conveyed several things that had previously been discussed with sub-coordinators at FEB, including improvements in terms of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), evaluation of Main Duties and Functions of Academic Support Staff, application of legalization in carrying out work, and the latest in data collection needed for the information services that must be contained on the PPID Website, Information and Documentation Management Officer FEB.
At the end of his direction, Iwan invited Academic Support Staff to work together to improve and build FEB, without the need to overthrow each other and condemn each other. Build a good work ethos with a sense of sympathy and empathy.
The discussion also opened an exchange with Academic Support Staff, hoping that with close relationships, existing problems can be resolved well. In the future, discussions are planned to be held regularly once a month.