30 Mar 2019

FEB Got More Visitation After Accredited by AUN-QA

The Undergraduate in Management Study Program is one of the study program in Universitas Sebelas Maret that has earned the ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA). The AUN-QA is a certification given by the AUN to give an assurance for the quality of the study program that are the member of AUN.

After obtaining the certification, the FEB UNS has received visitation from two universities that wish to know more about AUN-QA. Within two weeks, in January 2019, FEB UNS received two visitation from Universitas Negeri Surabaya in January 22th and Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in January 31st.

Further, Dr. Irwan Trinugroho, the Head of Internationalization Team who was also the head of AUN-QA Self-Assessment Report (SAR) preparation team for undergraduate in management program, often get invited specifically to deliver a presentation and explanation of AUN-QA, such as the invitation from Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta and Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. In every occasion he always provide a detailed explanation on his experience helping the study program, start from the registration through the site visit by the assessor team.

Moreover, as he explains there is a guidelines from the AUN-QA that should be followed in the SAR preparation. The SAR document consists of three parts: Introduction, SAR explanation, and SWOT. “We are required to submit the first chapter to obtain the site visit slot,” Irwan says.

To simplify the preparation process, the SAR team is preferably has a small number of member; five member is enough. This way the team will have better teamwork and the SAR document will be more solid.

During site visit, Irwan explain that the assessment in each study program is carried out by two assessors. On the first day, all 8 (eight) assessors will conduct an interview with the faculties dean. Afterward the interview with faculty member, staff, and students are conducted in a consecutively. On the second day of site visit, the assessors will interview the alumni and user, which followed with site visit to several facilities in the Faculty.

“Even though there is a translator or interpreter in the interview room, it is best to ensure that the faculty members, alumni, and students invited have a good English proficiency. Except for academic staff or user, English proficiency is not a requirement,” he explains.

Further, he also mention that during the site visit the FEB UNS empower the students as the Liaison Officer (LO). The students are not only helping the assessors but also supporting other site visit activities.

On the same occasion, Reza Rahardian the Head of Undergraduate in Management express that the site visit that took place for 3 days on May 8th to 10th is very exhausting. The FEB is appointed by the Rector to be the host for the site visit of AUN-QA for 4 (four) study programs, the undergraduate in management, biology, teknik, and civil engineering.

“For the site visit preparation, the requirements and regulation given by the AUN-QA is very detailed and strict, this includes little things such as electrical plugs, room assignment, ASEAN member flags placement, even the documentation needs to get approval from the AUN team, which also applies for banquet service also not allowed during site visit process,” Reza explains.

Reza is grateful that the site visit process is conducted smoothly and the certification will give an added-value to the study program and university, as well as the graduates. It is expected that the graduates will be able to compete in their future work place.