22 Jul 2024

Supporting Putri Kawung SMEs in Klaten, FEB UNS Community Service Team Provides Education on Digital Marketing and Natural Coloring

In May 2024, the Community Service Team from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Solo, provided assistance to the Putri Kawung Joint Business Group (KUBE) in Jarum Village, Bayat, Klaten.

The community service project, entitled “Development of Digital Marketing and Natural Coloring and Utilization of Heating Machines,” was led by Prof. Dr. Rahmawati, M.Si., Ak., and involved students in various program activities.

This initiative aims to improve environmentally friendly production processes, enhance marketing capacities through information technology, strengthen institutional frameworks, and refine the adoption of appropriate technology to improve the quality of batik products using natural coloring.

The methods employed in this community service project included education on brand awareness and several business management skills such as financial management, marketable packaging, and promotion; the practice of environmentally friendly production processes using natural dyes mixed with bone powder; adoption of Appropriate Technology (TTG) for heating machines; capacity strengthening for diversifying both typical Klaten motifs and batik derivative products; quality testing and certification of batik mark quality, especially for batik products using natural coloring; TTG utilization for bone powder in natural dyeing processes to improve product quality and prevent color fading; and information technology-based business management through digital marketing.

This community service activity was designed to benefit all parties involved. For KUBE Batik Putri Kawung, this activity provided valuable experience to further enhance product quality. For academic lecturers, it served as an implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. For participating students, it offered additional knowledge through direct learning about real-world community issues and potential solutions.

Additional support that has motivated artisans in Jarum Village includes government assistance such as a showroom to display products created by the association members and six sewing machines from the Department of Industry and Trade, which have not yet been fully utilized by KUBE Putri Kawung.

Support also came from local government agencies through the village administration, Bappeda, and the Department of Industry and Trade of Klaten Regency. In order to strengthen the independence of the batik industry in Jarum Village, particularly involving the SMEs of KUBE Putri Kawung, the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education is consulted about providing support in the form of facilities for the association’s marketing outlets, managerial skill development for partner SMEs, and infrastructure development for information technology-based supply and marketing networks.

The expected outcome of this activity is to raise the level of understanding among KUBE Putri Kawung business actors, leading to product innovation that ultimately can drive income optimization and the community economic welfare in Bayat, Klaten Regency.