Welcoming New Students, the Master’s Program in Accounting FEB UNS Holds a Seminar “A Scientific Writing Journey Begins”
The Master’s Program in Accounting at FEB UNS organized a seminar entitled “A Scientific Writing Journey Begins: Understanding Current Issues in Accounting Research” on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, in a hybrid format. This event was held to welcome 14 new students to the Master’s Program in Accounting at FEB UNS. Dr. Yuni Yuningsih from Curtin University, Australia, was invited as the main speaker for this event, which, aligns with the Master’s Program in Accounting FEB UNS’s efforts to provide early international exposure to its students.
Starting with an opening remark by the Head of the Master’s Program in Accounting, Dr. Wahyu Widarjo introduced the new students to several previous heads of the Master’s Program in Accounting before he assumed the position. He also introduced various stakeholders within the program.
Furthermore, Dr. Wahyu presented the curriculum and described how the new curriculum in the Master’s Program in Accounting offers the capability to waive several courses within the curriculum for some of the CA and CPA certification exam subjects. He also emphasized the importance of aligning elective course selections with the chosen thesis topic.
He also covers the Rector’s Regulation No. 23 of 2020, Article 31, on learning outcomes, emphasizing the importance of timely study completion and the publication prerequisites for graduation. This requirement ensures that each student has at least one scientific paper published in an internationally or nationally accredited journal, listed as Sinta 2 as the minimum requirement.
Additionally, students of the Master’s Program in Accounting are required to have scientific papers in international or national proceedings. This is a mandatory requirement for registering for the thesis examination before completing their studies in the Master’s Program in Accounting.
Based on Dr. Wahyu’s presentation, the Master’s Program in Accounting facilitates students to become familiar with publication writing as early as possible. Thus, this webinar serves not only as a medium for international exposure for students but also aims to extend students’ understanding of how to start writing and choosing research topics.
Dr. Yuningsih provided an overview of selected current issues in accounting research, emphasizing that research in accounting needs to evolve and follow contemporary trends in technology, environment, and other scientific fields.
Specifically, for environmental topics, this has become a trend, especially in the Asia Pacific, including issues like Net Zero or emission reductions in various business entities. This is also a concern for accountants because accounting provides tools to understand not only financial conditions but also social and environmental conditions.
She also highlighted the importance of understanding environmental issues due to climate change, which increases financial risks. In Australia, this research trend is also prevalent and has been implemented, for instance, in companies like AMPOL and VIVA ENERGY AUSTRALIA.
Besides presenting various current research topics in accounting, Dr. Yuningsih emphasized the need for persistence in writing scientific articles. Articles submitted for publication take a lot of time and effort, but students should remember that all researchers go through this process.
Concluding her presentation, Dr. Yuningsih urged students not to give up and suggested taking breaks to rejuvenate if they encounter roadblocks. The event continued with a discussion, where some of the new and existing students of the Master’s Program in Accounting participated via Zoom, and actively engaged in the discussion by asking questions.