Through the Academic Forum Towards the Elimination of Extreme Poverty in 2024, Coordinating Ministry of Foreign Affairs Invites Campus to Tackle Poverty
Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs (Sesmenko PMK), Andie Megantara, encouraged the academic community to explore poverty issues. This statement was delivered through a keynote speech at the Academic Forum “Towards the Elimination of Extreme Poverty in 2024,” at the Suhardi Building Hall of the Faculty of Business Economics (FEB), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Wednesday, (27/9/2023).
“We would like to invite friends, especially students, to enjoy and understand the topics on poverty. Because the thought on poverty is rather rare, and rarely pursued,” he said.
Sesmenko Andie said that so far the government has made various efforts to address poverty. Starting from efforts to reduce the burden of living expenses, improve income and enhance community empowerment, as well as reducing poverty-ridden regions.
After these efforts were carried out, it was found that the problem of poverty was not only related to economic dimensions. Poverty is a multidimensional problem that involves a perspective review in the fields of anthropology, sociology, psychology, and culture.
Sesmenko Andie revealed that it is still difficult to alleviate poverty in Indonesia, which is also related to people’s mindset, culture, poor mentality, and poor lifestyle. Therefore, considering the quality of the human resources at the campus, which are very qualified, becomes the best option to assist the government in finding solutions to alleviate poverty and overcome poor mental problems. The potential can come from students who explore science from various study programs, lecturers, and professors with their excellent views and thoughts, research, and scientific works that can help in the formulation of policies.
“We need campuses to support the government in tackling poverty. We hope that through this Academic Forum, students will become interested in pursuing the problem of poverty,” he said.
The Academic Forum “Towards the Elimination of Extreme Poverty in 2024” was attended by Deputy for Coordination of Social Welfare Improvement, Nunung Nuryartono; Head of TNP2K Policy, Elan Satriawan; Director of Innovation and Downstream UNS, Venty Suryanti representing the Rector of Sebelas Maret University; Dean of FEB UNS, Prof. Djoko Suhardjanto.
As an effort to synergize the government with universities in poverty management, the Kemenko PMK and Universitas Sebelas Maret signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Education, Research, and Community Service witnessed by Sesmenko PMK Andie Megantara, and Head of TNP2K Policy, Elan Satriawan.
In this activity, the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Kemenko PMK and UNS on Education, Research, and Community Service was also carried out.
The event continued with a public lecture with the speaker Deputy for the Coordination of Social Welfare Improvement, Nunung Nuryartono; Head of Surakarta City Bappeda, Sri Wardhani Poerbowidjojo; Central and Regional Financial Analyst of the Ministry of Finance’s Junior Expert, Yadi Hadian; Vice Dean of Research, Academic, and Student Affairs FEB UNS, Dwi Prasetyani M.Si. This public lecture activity was attended by the FEB UNS academic community both virtually and on-site.
In the afternoon session, a Workshop on Collaboration Strengthening and Stipulation for Collaboration Program Activities was held in the Soedarah Soepono Building Hall FEB UNS. The activity was attended by Deputy 1 of the Kemenko PMK, FEB Leaders, Lecturers, Kemenko PMK Team, TNP2K Policy Team, and Representatives of other faculties.
The series of activities were carried out in collaboration between the FEB UNS Development Economics Study Program and the Kemenko PMK and TNP2K.
Editor: Humas FEB