Video Kampus Merdeka
Kampus Merdeka
Student exchange aims to establish excellent students’ mannerism as stipulated in Permendikbud No 3 of 2020, regarding cultural diversity appreciation, point of view, religion, and belief, as well as opinion or original findings; establishing collaboration and building a social sensitivity as well as awareness on the community and environment condition.
Cross-university learning (regional and international), staying with a family in the destination university, students’ understanding of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika will be more developed, strengthening cross-cultural friendship.
Building a students’ friendship across regions, ethnicities, cultures, and religions, thus improving the spirit of national unity and integrity.
Implementing knowledge transfer to close the education disparity among the state universities and the disparity between international and regional higher education institutions.
Implementation Stages
Student exchange aims to establish excellent students’ mannerism as stipulated in Permendikbud No 3 of 2020, regarding cultural diversity appreciation, point of view, religion, and belief, as well as opinion or original findings; establishing collaboration and building a social sensitivity as well as awareness on the community and environment condition.
Cross-university learning (regional and international), staying with a family in the destination university, students’ understanding of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika will be more developed, strengthening cross-cultural friendship.
Building a students’ friendship across regions, ethnicities, cultures, and religions, thus improving the spirit of national unity and integrity.
Implementing knowledge transfer to close the education disparity among the state universities and the disparity between international and regional higher education institutions.
Implementation Stages